Chapter 3

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"Happy birthday Angel!" Damon sings as he comes up behind me. I smirk as I stand from the bench and put down my book. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses up my neck.

"Not yet mr Salvatore, you have to catch me first!" A giggle escapes my lips as I pull out of his arms and run to the fountain.

"Then I guess it will be a small chase!" He smirks as he base me round the garden. Our laughs fill the air until Damon finally grabs my waist and pulls me close to him. I giggle as he kisses my cheek and then any where he can reach.

"Damon! Stop! It tickles!" I squirm in his arms and he chuckles against my neck.

"Well, it's good to see you too are having fun." me and Damon turn to face Stefan. a blush spreads on my face at the youngest Salvatore.

"What is up Stefy?" I ask as Damon lets me go. but as I get closer, I notice Stef's eyes are bloodshot. "what has happened Stefan? You can tell me." I say as I kneel down and pull him into a hug. Damon comes up behind us and crouches too.

"Dad wants to talk to you. But I overheard him last night talking to george. they are taking you away." tears come to my eyes as Stefan bursts into tears.

"It doesn't matter what they say, I am going no where." I say as I hug him tighter. I feel Damon stand and then see him storming to the door.

"Dae! Dae!" I stand up and run after him. "Damon!" I follow him inside where I see him pull back his hand and punch the wall. "Damon!" I snap as I come upto him and grab his hand. it is bruised and cut.

"Please damon. calm down. your father won't take me away. and I will never leave you." I grab his face and make him look at me. "I love you too much Damon. and you heard me right. I love you." and for once in over a hundred years. for once since I lost Henrik. I mean it with all my heart.

"I love you too Angel." He leans down kisses my lips slowly. I kiss back until we here a cough.

"Angel, I need to speak with you." I peck Damon's lips one more time before walking over to Giuseppe.

"Okay." I mutter and I follow the oldest Salvatore to his study. once I am their, I stop in my tracks as I see a dark coloured woman sat facing the desk.

"Angel, please have a seat." Giuseppe gestures to the chair next to her and I slowly sit. "this is Lucia Bennett, she will be your personal maid from now on." I turn to face her and Lucia smiles at me.

"It is good to meet you miss angel." she says. her brown eyes big and her hair pulled into a twist.

"It is good to meet you too lucia." I reply before turning back to Giuseppe. "what is this about?" I ask and he chuckles.

"A girl turned 16 must have a personal maid." he replies with a smile. "and you have a choice. George Lockwood has found a girls boarding school. it will show you how to be a true young lady. or you can stay here."

"Giuseppe, you know my answer already. I could never leave Damon." I reply as I lean forward. "So that is my answer." I stand and turn to the door. "lucia, I will show you too my room."

"Okay miss." She says before following me. once we are in my room, I shut the door and pin her to the wall.

"Hello witch." I mutter and she smirks.

"Vampire." she says and I feel burning in my head, she is trying to use her magic on me.

"That won't work." I let her go and sit at my vanity table. "I can sense you are powerful."

"Just as powerful than my sister Emily bennett." she says as she sits on my bed. I have heard of emily. a strong witch that has ancestry coming from Salem.

"I want you to do something for me. and if you do, I won't hurt anyone. well, I will still have to feed, but I won't kill." I say as I turn to face her. "I know you can't change me into a human. and If you could, I would probably die in seconds."

"Where is this heading angel?" She asks as she stands with her hands in front of her.

"I want you to give me control over my ageing. because soon, I will have to leave because I don't age. And I know if I turn Damon... I can't place this curse upon him. so if I control my ageing I can live a long enough happy life with him until he dies."

"But what will you do after he dies?" She asks and I look at my hands.

"I will just have to wait and see." I reply. "but please, find away to make me in charge of my ageing!"

"I will try my best miss angel." she says before leaving the room. I sigh as I run my hands over my face.

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