chapter 1

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"Come and catch me Henrik!" I shout over my shoulder as I run through the forest. I hear him laugh as I bunh up my dress again and try to dodge the trees.

"You know I will always catch you!" He shouts back and I giggle. We keep running until we reach the stables.

"You didn't catch me." I pout and he smiles as he wrpas his arms around my waist.

"If I did then the fun will be over." He pecks my cheek and I giggle again as he pulls back. "I should be getting you home. It will be dark soon."

"Henrik, you know the dark doesn't scare me." I caress his cheek.

"But I fear that I may loose you. It is bad enough that my brothers, kol and Nikluas, want your hand." He states as he holds my left hand, running his finger over my ring finger.

"I would be homered to have NiKlaus wanting my hand, but he wants my sisters. And so do every other man in this village. And I like you, Henrik. No other person." I peck his cheek and he smiles.

"Let's get you home." Henrik says once more before walking me to my front door. "Good night evangelina."

"Good night Henrik." I reply before shutting my door. Once I hear his footsteps leave, I grab my cloak and slowly walk out the house. I watch from the shadows as the Village men begin to leave for transformation. I have alwaysed loved to watch them, but tonight, I shall not. Esther needs to finish the spell. The one that will protect Henrik and the Miklaesons. I volunteered to be the one she casts different spells to get it right.

"Brother, I am thinking to ask her hand in marriage." I pul back a t the voice and hide deeper in the shadows.

"But wouldn't that upset Henrik?" The voices, I recognise as Elijah and Kol.

"He is just a kid, brother. He doesn't know what love is. I, do." Kol states as I here the door shut. He is going to ask my hand in marriage. I breathe in deep before walking round the house and into the field behind.

"Your late." I freeze as I pull down my hood an dturnto face Esther.

"I apologys, I over heard your sons, Elijah and kol, talking outside your house and there was no way to pass them without going unnoticed." I reply as I bow my head.

"It is fine. But we need to get the spell right." I nod as I sit crossed legged on the cold grass. Esther doing the same.

"I have casted small protection spells on you. Healing spells and even dark spells. What has happened since ate last meeting?" She asks as she flattens her dress. A habit I have noticed she does when she gets nervous.

"I feel fine, stronger in fact. I have been able to outrun Henrik in oit races across the forest and I have noticed I have grown in strength. I have healed quickly throuhh every cut. Faster, then any other person would. But there are some things that have been happening..." Esther looks up at me as I look down.

"Tell me child. I need to know for the protection of my children." She reaches out and takes my chin in a firm grip, making me look at her.

"My love for Henrik has grown, but an unknown love for your other son, Kol, has risen. And I feel a strong jealousy when any girl in the village talks too the two boys. One that has hatred and possetion." I reply and Esther looks at me with sorrowful eyes. "It is like my emotions have been heightened. I feel everything ten times more stronger."

"I see." She mutters as she drops her hand and stands. Esther brushes the grass from her dress and reaches out her hand towards me. I take it and stand.

"And I feel a hunger deep within. I always feel hungry." She gives me a kind smile before pulling out a small knife from her sactual.

"That is normal child. Spells will drain you just as much as me. And you will feel hungry." She drags the knife across the palm of my hand. I bite my lip at the sting but it soon weres down.

"I have combinded all the spells and created a new spell. I have a feeling this one should work. But this spell is very powerful. You need to do exactly as I say." I nod and she puts her hand over mine. Chants come from her lips in a different language before her eyes open and a strong pain spreads from my heart. Semthing drops to the floor as I grip to my chest and blood covers my hands.

"Esther...." I gasp as I fall to the ground and blackness takes over.

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