Chapter 27

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I carry Elijah's body down into the cellar, no help from any of them. I drop him in the floor as Damon kneels down and searches through Elijah's jacket.

"Uhh! What do we have here?" He pulls out the moonstone. "A little moonstone bar of soap. "

"I'll hold on to this." We both say at the same time.

"It's safer with me." I state as I hold out my hand. "I'm an original, I am stronger then anything." he sighs, putting it slowly in my palm.

"So, that's it. I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays dead." Elena states as stefan wraps an arm around her. Damon stands and I cross my arms.

"Pretty much." I reply. "and you all still owe me a thank you for killing him."

"Thank you, then... Good night." Elena starts to walk out, but turns around.
"You know, you guys want me to fight, fine, I'll fight. But if we're gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way."

"Why? I know elijah's original plan. it's safer." I state as she shakes her head.

"I am not going with that plan. why do you think we killed him??" I sigh as I shake my head.

"That seems fair." Damon states as they look at me and stefan.

"Okay." He states and their eyes land on me.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Okay." I sigh and Elena walks out of the basement.

"Seems like she's had a change of attitude. How did you get through to her?" Damon asks stefan and I lean against the wall, wanting to hear the changing in Elena's mind.

"I told her a little story about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody showed me there was a better way." Stefan replies.

"Lexi?" Damon asks and I frown. Who's lexi.

"Yeah. You remember her?" Stefan walks out of the room.

"Who's lexi?" I ask and Damon faces me, a frown on his face.

"Someone who brought stefan out from his ripper days." he replies and my eyes widen. I walk towards damon.

"Stefan was the ripper?" I keep my voice low and Damon rolls his eyes.

"You didn't know?" I shake my head. "Yep, he was a true killer before he became a bunny muncher." I laugh at his joke and he shakes his head.

"Wow, stefan has changed so much. I wonder how he did it."

"Well, you would know that if you didn't leave us." Damon hisses and i sigh.

"I left because I couldn't risk you not having a family. your dad, stefan was so precious to you." I state.

"You were! And I guess it is tuff. I am a vampire." he shouts and I flinch. I hate it when Damon shouts. "Sometimes it was like did you really love me!"

"I Was Damon! And you want to know what?! I begged my maid to make me in control of my ageing so I could grow old with you! And hopefully die! I would have killed myself! There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't regretted my decision. an when I found out you were dead! I came back every year Damon! I also tried to find Elijah to kill me. But he is harder to find then I thought." I explain. I can't believe he thought that I didn't love him. "I was running for most of my life. I didn't want you too run too Damon! I loved you so much!"

"I don't believe you angel!"

"Why not?"

"Because to me, angel Mikaelson is dead. she died when they found that bonfire with all her stuff burnt." He snaps and he goes to leave but I grab his arm.

"I didn't want to leave you. I had to, ya know. if I knew you would have got turned I would have. if I didn't have this screwed up life in the run, I promise I would have Damon. I just... Im sorry." i let it drop, knowing I wouldn't win. "I'll be out of your hair now if you want. Elena can have you all to herself...." I use my vamp speed to leave but I hit something hard.

"Elena wouldn't be happy if you left." I look up into bright blue eyes.

"Would it just be Elena?" I ask and he smirks before his lips crash to mine. I kiss back with urgency. he vamps speeds us to the wall as I he puts his hands on my waist and mine snake their way around his neck. My fingers run through his hair as I push him back and on to another wall.

"I've missed you so much. not a day went by that I haven't thought of you." he says as his hands slide to my bum. Damon picks me up and I wrap my legs around him.

"I love you Damon Salvatore." he stops for a few seconds, just looking into my eyes.

"I love you too Angel Mikaelson." he kisses me hard before stopping.

"What?" I ask as he slowly puts me down.

"Everyone in town thinks we are siblings. and then you got Andy." I sigh, standing up and letting go.

"Right... Andy.... couldn't you compel her? And we could just say that we said we were siblings because we were so close." I suggest and he shakes his head.

"Your 15."

"I'm actually about 1014." he rolls his eyes.

"You look 15." He states and I groan.

"Miracle cream?" I shrug and he shakes his head. "so I look 15? I could be 18. Damon please."

"I like Andy, I like her around." he states and I sigh.

"Fine, I'm going to bed." I vamp speed away before the tears stream down my face. I guess the odds are against us.

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