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"Do you think this is cute?" Aubrey asked

"No but it looks like something you'd wear" he said. It was the last day of winter break and classes started back tomorrow so Aubrey decided to go shopping and Josiah tagged along.

"You think I wear ugly clothes?" Aubrey asked

"No I just think some of your clothes are eh" He said

"Wow" Aubrey said

"Don't take it too hard I mean I'm sure you don't like what I wear either"

"I don't but I don't think it's ugly, I just think it's your style"

"Well then it's just your style you're all girly and peppy"


"Yea with all your bright colors and stuff" he said.

Aubrey's favorite color was pink and her style reflected off of that, she was felt like black gray and white, which is what Josiah wore most of the time, were so boring. She only toned her clothing choices down in the fall, which is when she wore pastels and beiges.

"Well I'm an artist so" Aubrey said shrugging

"I'm an artist too and I dress laidback"

"Well we're two different types of artists and you barely draw so you're not really an artist anyways"

"There's a time limit between each piece to be considered an artist?"

"Yes you cant make 4 drawings a year and be an artist"

"I draw more than 4 times a year Aubrey"

"Doodling in a composition book doesn't count"

"Ok well not everyone has time to make and buy canvases everyday" he said

"It's okay to be a semi artist, it's not your main thing"

"How do you know that?"

"Because you've said before drawing is your hobby something you do when you're bored. I need to paint faithfully to keep myself sane"

"I guess"

"You had braces?" Aubrey asked noticing his retainer

"Yeah for a while when I was 12 why?"

"And you still wear a retainer?"

"Yeah you're supposed to wear them for life, I wear mine probably every 2 months just to make sure"

"Were your teeth bad?"

"Bad how?"

"Like crooked crooked or just slightly"

"I had a few gaps and my mouth was overcrowded so crooked crooked, why are we talking about this again?"

"Because I'm getting them next week and I just want to know"

"Really?" He asked. He was surprised because Aubrey's teeth were perfect to him. They were fine to her too but her orthodontist said she needed them to correct the lining of her teeth and a small gap she had.

"Yeah, do they hurt?"

"Well I was 12 but I'll never forget the pain"

"It was painful? Really?"

"I mean it wasn't at first but once got home my mouth just felt pressured from all sides, nothing hurts more than getting them off though, my gums were swollen for a week"

"now you're scaring me"

"Don't be scared, It only hurts every time you get them tightened for a day the rest of the time it's like they don't exist"

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