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"It doesn't do anything" Aubrey said after staring at her hamster in its cage.

"What do you want him to do? Run laps" Josiah asked

"No he's so boring all he does it eat, he doesn't run on his lil wheel thingy either" she said

"Maybe he does it while you're asleep" he said shrugging

"No he doesn't because he's so fat, maybe he's sick or something" she said

"Now you're diagnosing him with stuff, Aubrey relax he's only been here for a week maybe he's just adjusting to this new habitat" he spoke. He hated when Aubrey's mind skipped to the worst of things.

"You're right, I should relax" she said sitting at the end of her bed.

"You should, besides he is not that fat" Josiah said making her laugh.

"I think I wanna get my belly button pierced"


"I don't know, I look so boring" she stated looking down at her stomach.

"You don't even wear shirts that show your stomach" he said. He didn't mind the idea of her getting a belly ring but he knew she'd regret it once she got it.

"I will start wearing crop tops"

"Well then get it" 

"You wanna come with me?" She asked


"Next weekend"

"Alright, no chickening out" he said making her smile.

"I won't" she said kissing him.

"You could never look boring" he reminded her.

"Thank you, you look pretty interesting yourself"

"Sounds like you're trying to call me ugly" he said making her laugh.

"I guess being called interesting does sound a little bad" she said

"I know what you meant" he said kissing her cheek

"You know what I want?" She asked

"Some kind of food?" He guessed raising an eyebrow.

"Frozen yogurt with lots of gummy worms on it"

"If I say no will you stop asking?" He asked making her shake her head.

"If I go you have to go to this function with me tonight" he stated.

"Ok, let's go get my yogurt" she said shrugging, how bad could a party be?

The party wasn't exactly a party it was just Leah, Darren and Lauren. Aubrey's eyes stayed glued to her phone because she was uninterested in the conversations they were having.

"You want something to drink?" Josiah asked sitting next to her.

"One of us has to be sober" she said

"I'm sober" he claimed. It was half true, he wasn't drunk but he certainly wasn't sober.

"You're not, I'll be mom tonight" she said kissing him. He placed his hand on her knee as her legs were crossed and sipped on his drink a little more.

Aubrey and Josiah both noticed the vibes between Lauren and Darren were definitely giving off romantic vibes, but Aubrey felt it was none of her business. Josiah on the other hand was quite tipsy and felt another way.

"What, are y'all like together now?" He asked making Aubrey look up from her phone.

"Josiah relax" Leah stated, he ignored her comment and questioned them again.

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