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"How's school Aubrey" her mother asked.

Aubrey was in Illinois visiting her family for a few days, it wasn't as bad as she expected but it was boring and she couldn't wait to go home.

"Good" she said

"Well that's good, I wish you'd talk to me more" Amina stated.

"If it makes you feel better she doesn't talk to me either" Rita budded in.

"I call you every 2 weeks" Aubrey objected

"That's not normal Aubrey" she said.

Aubrey shrugged, she didn't know what the big deal was. She felt she didn't have to speak to her aunt everyday, she wasn't that type of person.

"Anything important going on" Amina asked.

"Mm not really" she said.

"Tell her about your boyfriend" Rita said

"Boyfriend? Is he nice?"

"Yes, very nice and funny and cute" Aubrey said smiling a little, just the thought of him made her mood better.

"Where'd you meet?"

"Class, we had a project together, oh and he's deaf" she said. She had kind of forgotten about his hearing, it wasn't really apart of who he was to her.

"Deaf? Does he talk"

"Yes, he didn't go deaf until he was like 14 so he talks well"

"How do you communicate"

"He reads lips well and I'm learning how to sign" Aubrey said signing it as well.

"Well that's good, I wish I could meet him" Amina said

"I'm sure he'd like to" Rita added, she liked how sociable Josiah was she was surprised how Aubrey and him ended up together because they were so different.

"Yea he probably would, he loves telling Rita what I'm up to"

"He wouldn't have to if you would call more"

"I do call more" She had kept her promise this time about keeping in contact with her more.

"Yeah more than usual but that's not enough"

"Ok" she said simply before getting up

"Where are you going?" Amina asked

"To go watch tv and call my boyfriend, will you be here in the morning?"

"Yes Aubrey I'm staying here for a while"

Aubrey nodded before going upstairs into her old bedroom that had been redecorated into a guest room. All her items were still in the closet or attic though.

She plugged up her computer and face timed Josiah, Aubrey was tired but wanted to at least see him today. Her entire trip had just been texts from him.

"Hey Bre, I'm a little busy right now"

"Doing what?" She asked

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