chapter sixteen

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India's wedding part i

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India's wedding part i

We're so fucking late and it's because of the shenanigans we were doing in the bathroom. Forty minutes late. We missed the whole rehearsal, finding them already started with the dinner. We join the dinner table, where we find everybody seated already and we take our seats, greeting everyone while we're at it. I can't help but blush when Devontae makes sure to pull out my chair for me and scoots me in as well.

"Well, don't you look fully rested." I narrow my eyes at my cousin, who has a this look on her face that I wanna slap off. India plays oblivious and servers bring our appetisers.

"Holy, shit aren't you Devontae Carter?" Jason recognises him instantly and Devontae simply nods his head, bashfully and reaching out to shake his hand.

"India, you never told us that we were gonna have a celebrity in attendance." This girl with jet black hair and greenish eyes comments. I look at her properly to notice her scandalous outfit and the fuck me eyes she's giving to Devontae. She extremely beautiful I'll give her that but clearly can't tell that he's not interested.

The room buzzes with chatter around Devontae's presence, and I can't help but watch as he interacts with them explaining the behind the scenes of being a basketball player and being the son of a former player. Throughout dinner, I got to meet India's friends most from college and through Jason. The green eyed woman who I've come to know as Daya doesn't bother hiding her obvious flirtatious behaviour, which to her disappointment has let down easy and it's getting on my last goddamn nerve.

"Okay! Now we're going to start this again! Everyone pay attention, please!" India yells and everyone gets into position.

I'm busy talking to one of the bridesmaids who's name I can't remember when I feel a hand on my lower back followed by something one quarter of my height attack my legs.

When I look down, I see a green-eyed, curly-haired child. Her black curls are tied up in pigtails and missing one tooth at the front. She's adorable and she's also my niece.

I bend down and pick up the child and perch her on my hip. When her eyes meet Devontae's, she smiles brightly to which he smiles back. I look at my niece with a bright smile. I pick her up and throw her up in the air which makes her giggle hysterically, "hi, Auntie Kiki."

Aqua's brownish-green eyes meet Devontae who watches us with amusement, and she looks back at me, "is he your boyfriend, Aunt Kiki?" I choke on-air and Devontae simply offers the both of us a lazy grin, "uh, no, baby he's, my friend." Aqua's nose scrunches up, "really?" I nod, "yes, sweetie. He's just a friend."

Aqua's pigtails bob as she tilts her head to the side as her eyes rakes my face, "I don't believe you. You can't have a friend who's a boy."

My brows raise, "really? Who said that?" Aqua avoids eye contact with me before saying, "Uncle Mike did." Of course, he did.

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