chapter forty two

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I'm literally living the videos that I spend hours watching on YouTube, others search history compared to mine are legit the bare minimum, mine is just filled with blackhead removal videos, waxing videos, threading all the aesthetician type stuff. After much begging and pleading, Devontae let me pluck his brows and listen, he is blessed bro in the eyebrow department, same thing with his eyelashes, I'm jealous. It started with him laying his head in my lap, but he forcefully told me to sit in his lap.

He's never made me feel away about laying on him or sitting in his lap or just me sitting on him in general. Also, he's always grabbing on me, gripping my waist that's riddled with love handles, grabbing on my pudgy stomach and my ass, like right now. His palms are resting on my ass now, rubbing it up and down, "are you always gonna be rubbing on my ass like that?"

"Hell yeah." He grips under my butt cheeks and moves them up and down, making them jiggle freely, he slaps my left cheek and I feel the force of his palm through the thin material of my shorts. Jesus. I pluck the outer areas of his brows and each time I pluck on his hands grip my thighs tightly, the cold of his rings pressing against my skin, grunting when I pluck closer to his eyelids. "what's your biggest fear?" He asks me suddenly and I raise my brows.

"What are we talkin'? Phobias or our life fears?" He shrugs, gripping my thigh when I pluck his brow, "you just trying to distract yourself from the pain, huh?" He laughs, heartedly, "aight, you got me but yeah both, if you feel comfortable telling me."

I smile, shaking my head, "okay, well, you already know my phobia of heights and flying, so I also got a phobia of tight spaces. Do not keep me in an elevator more than I should...and cows."

"Cows? You gotta tell me the story bout that." He's amused now and now he's trying to humour me, "okay, fine. I was in the fifth grade, and we went to a cattle and goat farm, we were checking out how they make butter, milk and these other dairy products and shit..."

"Is that when you discovered your obsession with ice cream?"

I playfully narrow my eyes at him, "anyway, I don't know whether it was the shirt I was wearing or whatever, but I was minding my business, walking in the back behind the rest of my class and then a cow legit charged at me, I cried like baby and sat on the bus the rest of the trip because I was so traumatised." Devontae is laughing his ass off at me and I punch his chest, "it's not funny."

He wipes at his eyes, trying to sober up but he can't and begins wheezing, "yo, I'm sorry but that shit is funny." He wipes his eyes and places his hands back where they were, "so now you deathly afraid of cows?"

"Oh, totally." I nod, "I have no intentions of being within five feet with that walking four legged pile of beef." He laughs again, "any other fears?"

"Not being chosen." Devontae's expression morphs into a serious one when he hears the words leave my mouth, "care to elaborate?" I huff a deep breath, collecting my thoughts before I trauma dump Devontae right now when we were having such a good time, "since I was a little girl, I never felt like I was the first choice, like I was just there." His brows furrow, "my father leaving when I was still so young it felt like I didn't mean anything to him, like I wasn't significant enough for him to stay." He doesn't say anything as I begin rambling, "it continued as I got older, when I was thirteen, I had a crush on this boy and he liked me too, but he always had other girls on the side, and only had me because he knew I was always gonna be available for him no matter how many times he fucked up. I was young but I was heartbroken, and I set myself up for failure after that."

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