chapter forty

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You'd think me seeing Dominic would get easier, but it absolutely doesn't

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You'd think me seeing Dominic would get easier, but it absolutely doesn't. With them fucking destroying other colleges we're still gonna see them some more. Today however they fumbling real bad. There's only two minutes left on the clock and ten points separating us, UCLA would need a miracle.

They're all over the place today which has me really confused cause they're always on the top of their game. The UCLA Bruins coach looks like he's on the verge of combusting, face red and screaming at his players to get their head in the game. Roman pointing it out while we were on the court damn nearly made me bust out laughing.

As time progressed, Bruins were gets more and more clumsy which was a dead giveaway that they were beginning to get desperate. That's when Dominic tried to pull some slick shit.

Travis makes a long shot and it to James who dribbles it down the court and passes it to me when he sees no opportunity to shoot.

When I catch the ball, I swerve past UCLAʼs defence, sprinting as fast as he can't to the other team's basket, however what I don't see is someone from my left shove him with their shoulder and making me miss the fucking shot going way over the board. I stumble before turn to look at the culprit, to see Dom looking fucking smug at what he just did.

Spectators leap onto their feet and begin yelling in outrage. What in the actual fuck? I narrow my eyes at him, and he shrugs at me like he did not fucking do that, the ref blows his whistle calling a foul. I stalk towards him ready to fuck him up, but Rome materialises from nowhere making gestures for a time out. He tilts his head to Coach, who's beady eyes are watching me from the side-lines with a look that says, 'don't fuck up.' I relax my fists and walk away ready for the last fifteen minutes to begin.


Even though we won, I feel fucked. Dom got under my skin, and I fucking let him, and I nearly fucked him up afterwards. Repeating what happened three years ago would have been the nail in the coffin for me and I can't by the life of me risk that shit. After the game, I call the one person I know that knows how to calm me down.

"Hey, are you home?" I ask when she answers on the first ring.

"Yeah, why? You need anything?" I shake my head even though she can't hear me. "I'll be there in five." I hang up without explaining any further. I know it was rude, but I can't talk to her on the phone. It takes me legit ten minutes to get to her place because I was stepping on the fucking gas 'cause I'm still fuming from the shit Dom pulled. I finally pull up to her apartment, I park in an empty spot and take the lift to her level.

I knock on the door of Kiana's apartment, and she answers soon after I knock, when the door opens, I'm met with a drowsy-looking girl with her locks sitting in a high bun, dressed in an oversized grey T-shirt and sweats, she's rubbing her eyes. "Hi," she greets, "you sounded troubled on the phone, are you okay?"

I can't help but at once crushes her into a hug and she lets out an 'oof' when my arms squeeze her body. "Everything okay, Devontae?" her soft voice asks me. I don't answer and she wraps her arms around my neck and interlocks them, "anything you want me to do?"

"Nah, just. . .let me hold you for lil bit." I sigh into her shirt and tightens my grip around her. She smells like cocoa butter and honey. The scent is comforting to me after such a dramatic day, Kiana moves back into her apartment, kicking the door closed then walking back into her living room. She carefully manoeuvres her way around the coffee table and stops by the recliner and lays on her back onto the chair and I join her. We move around a little bit until we're both comfortable, my long legs stretched out in the seat and Kiana's intertwined with mine.

Kiana lowers the volume on the TV, and she runs her fingers through my curls absentmindedly, rubbing my scalp gingerly occasionally. Kiana's actions and her honey scent lulls me to sleep.


"So, what happened?" She asks me,

"Order number 57!"

I grab our pizza order, then I open the door for us to exit. I grip her hand, making sure she's walking on the inside of the pavement. "Just some bullshit Dom tried to pull. I know he wanted me to react, and I almost did."

We stop in the middle of the street, and I open the pizza box, letting her have the first slice, she takes a slice of the pepperoni pizza, taking a bite, before she starts jumping around not realising how hot it is, I throw my head back as I laugh. She huffs and puffs, chewing the pizza. "Damn, I think I might have just burned my mouth. I'm not eating this till we get back."

It's ten in the evening, after I fell asleep, Kiana nodded off too. We woke up hungry as hell and pizza seemed like the only right solution to our hunger. "You know you shouldn't let him get to you." Right, but there's nothing more I wanna do than rearrange his face, he's tempting me to go there too.

"I know that look Devontae and it's not worth it. You can't ruin your career before it even begins." Yeah, well. He better stay the fuck out my way, I'm not making any promises. "You can take your anger out on my body if you want." Oh. I look at her and she has the most innocent look on her face. I grip her wrist and tug her closer, kissing her hot on the mouth. "You sure you can handle that?" I breathe against her lips.

"You sure you can handle this ass?" She asks, arching her brow. Oh, fuck. I lift her over my shoulder, walking faster than I ever have in my whole life.



Not me keekeeing at the last sentence before this. 😭

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