chapter thirty seven

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I'm pretty sure Kiana's overreacting with Trav

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I'm pretty sure Kiana's overreacting with Trav. He's one of my closest friends and even though me and the guys do not talk that much bout shit that's bothering us, we know always got each other's back. No questions asked and that's how it's always been.

Basketball was what brought all five of us together, I gotta admit at first, I thought T' was annoying and arrogant motherfucker, (I still do) but my girl's right, there is more to him than what meets the eye. He and Roman are each other's carbon company when it comes to ruffling other people's feathers, but they can both back it up. They both have been on Coach's shit list since freshman year because of their cockiness and need to get into fist fights but more so recently they've both calmed down.

Except for Trav apparently. I didn't immediately outright ask Travis if anything was wrong, I didn't want him to close off or simply brush it off as nothing. So, I made my own observations. For the past two days, I been keeping a close eye on him for the past week. I noticed the bruises alright; his knuckles were getting much better though until the other night when he came into the kitchen from his room this morning.

Travis strolls into the kitchen, yawning. His hair is tousled and messy showing that he just woke up, he greets us heading straight for the fridge. Luke, Rome, and James are engaged in a heated conversation about who they believe deserves a championship ring and who doesn't, I look up from my phone and Travis takes out a carton of orange juice and a glass. Pouring himself a glass, I take a quick glance at him to not make myself suspicious.

I almost miss it but I do catch a glimpse of it. A purplish, red blotch under his arm pit. When he puts his arm down, you can't see it. What makes my eyes widen is the very big gash on his eyebrow that was covered by his locks previously. Now I'm beginning to realise that Kiana may have been right all along.


After practice, I took a quick ass shower, having already planned to swing by Kiana's apartment and spend time with her before I go home. I let the guys know that I'm off and say my goodbyes, before walking to my car. I get in the driver's seat and throw my gym bag onto the passenger seat. I pull out my phone from my pocket, texting Kiana letting her know I'm on the way. We have a brief conversation about our next date, mostly me telling her what I already had in mind and when we're going.

I connect my phone to the aux and chuck it into my bag. Once the car is in ignition I start to pull away from the parking and as I'm pulling away, I see Travis coming out from the change rooms, his hood is on, and he keeps his head down low as to not make contact before jogging across campus.

As much as I know that it's not my business, I decide to follow him in my car as he continues to walk down the street before making a left at a deli. I make a left just a street before the one he did and park, a distance away from where he is so he doesn't snuff me out. I find him waiting behind the deli, with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the brick wall. My eyes narrow in suspicion as I continue watching, not sure what to expect.

He quickly readjusts when a swole white dude, with a bald head dressed in black makes an appearance. He greets the giant with a handshake and a hug before they start having a conversation I cannot hear, I lean forward in my seat as if it'll do me any justice and resort to try and read their lips, which I cannot even get myself to do. Then just like that, the conversation is over just as quick as it begun.

They share a handshake again before the muscular, bald guy hands him a wad of cash, from what I assume it could be a couple thousand. Travis gives the guy a grateful smile as he begins counting it, ensuring the amount. Once he's done, he gives bald head a curt nod before he lights up a cigarette and he goes the way he came. Trav, who looks extremely satisfied with himself stuffs the cash into his pocket and decides to come out from the shadows a couple minutes after the other guy just left. After Travis rounds the corner, I slouch back into my seat, and I would what the hell did I just witness?



Here's a random gif of Keith, this man is fine for no reason. 😭🤚🏼


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