chapter four

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I made the decision to take a drive after dropping Kiana off at her flat

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I made the decision to take a drive after dropping Kiana off at her flat. I contemplated a lot while driving. Mostly Kiana-related I can still clearly picture her gorgeous body, her flexibility, and how she managed to keep up with me. Even though she didn't appear to want to, I would do anything to repeat last night. Or maybe she did. In any case, I understand what a relationship entailed, and I don't believe I can handle that as well as ball, which requires all my attention and effort.

James, Lucas, and Travis are all suffering from hangovers when I enter my shared apartment with the boys after pulling up and parking the car. I navigate around them and open the fridge. When I hear a wolf whistle coming from behind me, I turn on my heel and cast a disbelieving glance Travis' way.


"Did you fuck a tiger or a person last night?" Travis queries as he scans my arms with his eyes.

I shrug since I don't really want to talk about last night. I dislike discussing having sex with the women I can bring home. Because of how my mother was brought up, I am aware to respect women enough to avoid discussing such stuff with them. even if we're not dating. Travis receives a look from James who says, "It was Kiana, huh?

"And if it was?" I threw my dart between them and the wall.

If I were, I'd give you a motherfuckin' round of applause because it took so long. James says to their amusement. I roll my eyes as the laugh at my expense.

I've made a promise not to date anyone until I'm picked in the League. Not that I don't want to date someone, but the timing of a relationship with any girl isn't ideal. If that girl turns out to be Kiana, it will only serve as a diversion. Ah, good morning my beautiful friends, Roman enters the apartment at that precise moment.

Where are you from? Roman jumps up onto the counter, and Lucas says, "From Kiki's apartment, by the way, I noticed your work, Dracula." Roman gives me a wink.

"Do not even start talking about how she was walking today. She was acting all like."

Roman stands up from his chair and makes penguin-like movements around the kitchen. I grin at his over-the-top antics as Jay rolls his eyes at him and smiles. Even today, she opted against going to work."

"RIP that pussy, aye..." Travis sings while he makes himself a cup of coffee.

We gotta go because practice is in 20 minutes, I say as I shake my head and check the time on my phone.

Coach Jackson has been keeping a watchful eye on us.

He hasn't spoken once during the two hours of rigorous drills and laps, which is a tell-tale sign that he is upset. If the severe frown is any indication.

Coach Jackson is a gruff, dark-skinned man who has coached USC for up to twenty years. He pushes us outside our comfort zones and doesn't mind punishing us when we mess up. Other than his permanent scowl and swearing, Coach is a good man who wants his team to surpass beyond our abilities.

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