Anjane mein

56 4 2

Book- Anjane Mein

Author name-- IllustriousKeli431

Reviewer - Daisy_srt

Title (Titre)

The title is an important aspect of the book. Your title wasn’t very unique or it didn’t catch my attention but it does suit your story.

Cover (couverture)

I personally did not like the cover. I felt it was cramped up. The colours did not work for me as well. If you can ask for a redo from the designer.

Blurb (la description)

The blurb is simple and it gives the gist of the book but from the blurb it looks like an ordinary book. Perhaps, add a little something so you can attract the audience maybe an interesting scene from the book so it catches the readers attention.

Storyline (scènario)

I did not find the storyline very different. It is a very common storyline. A teenage romance. It isn’t anything new.

Grammar (grammaire)

You need to work on your grammar. The book needs heavy editing.

First of all, make use of full stops as and when the sentence ends. Make use of question marks wherever needed.

When writing dialogues, make sure they are in inverted commas.

Also in the chp DOUBT there is a line.

They laughed at her accent (usne accent change karke baat ki thi) and the trio went towards the canteen

There was no need of using the bracketed sentence instead you could use

They laughed at her weird accent.

Characters (personnages)

You did give a character sketch but the characters weren’t explained at all. This was a major disappointment for me. As a reader, it is important for us to understand the characters and connect with them. I did not find that connection.

Flow ( Couler)

The flow of the story is a little fast for me. I felt like you were rushing with the book.

Reviewer opinion ( critique)

I suggest you work on your writing skills. Grammar is extremely important in a book.

Think about the characters and what they are feeling in that particular scene. Also, character description is needed.

The story should be gradual. It was too fast paced for me.

I hope this review has helped you. All the best!


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