Naughty But Not So Nice

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Book: Naughty But Not So Nice

Author:  Mishtimineey  

Reviewer: girly_blush


For a writer, choosing a suitable title is the most difficult task. Here, the title of your story is very much apt for the storyline. But the only error, I found in the title was, it could be written as "Naughty, but not so nice." The title was attractive and sweet at first sight itself. Good job!


A cover is the first thing that attracts a reader. The cover of your story was okayish. I won't deny the fact that it was beautiful. But still, you could have made it more creative. The fonts used to crave the title was amazing. Also, the quote written inside the cover made it more interesting to read the story. 

Blurb (la description)

A good blurb is very important to a story as it grabs the attention of the readers very much. Here, the blurb of your story was intriguing. You have given a clear idea about Swara and her family too. Even the way you described Sanskar was good. 

Storyline(la scenario)

The storyline of the story was uncommon. Or I could say, the way you penned it down made the story unique. You have described Swara very well. She was an ambitious girl, who wants to start her own company. But her plans were short-lived as the arrogant business tycoon Sanskar Maheshwari enters into her life like a storm. It was an interesting and amazing concept. You have portrayed everything in a hilarious and sarcastic manner. And it made the story more impressive. You have weaved your creativity very well. 


Each and every character was introduced in a good way. Swara was a hilarious and crazy girl. Whereas Sanskar was a serious typed mystery guy. I loved the chemistry between them. Even if, it was Laksh or Ragini, everything was written in an understanding and simple manner. 


You had some grammatical and punctuation error. Just by proofreading, it could be avoided. Even though you have a good hold of words, there were some ignorable mistakes. 


The story was so good that I didn't felt any break, throughout the story. You held a great grip in weaving the words out. You managed sarcasm and seriousness simultaneously. You haven't hurried or slowed any of the scenes. The flow was just perfect. 

Reviewer opinion (critique)

Your story was an amazing piece of work. Storyline, blurb and flow were perfect. But as I suggested, there was a punctuation mistake in the title. The cover was nice. The only thing that you need to improve is the grammar section. You have portrayed everything creatively. 

Stars: 4.5/5


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