Kueshango Ghji | The Demigod's Amulet (Simran)

16 6 0

Reviewer: simrangharge

Author: jordanalmahdi

Book name: Kueshango Ghji | The Demigod's Amulet

Title/Titre : (8/10)

Cover/Couverture : (8/10)

Blurb/La Description : (9/10)

The description is good. Gives good insight to the story and the plot to follow.

Plot and Flow : (19/20)

The story starts wonderfully, like a start to a supernatural movie with everything explained in detail and so naturally the flow of the story is very smooth and once again very detail oriented.

Dialogue/Expression : (8/10)

Dialogue delivery is good.

Grammar/Grammaire : (10/10)

The grammar and the way the book is written is beautiful with close to zero errors.

Creativity/Originality(La créativité/Originalité) : (9.5/10)

I applaud the writer for the creativity and Originality of this book, the writer creates a beautiful world.

Overall Engagement/Engagement Global : (19/20)

This book is beautifully written, the story has great potential and keeps the one reading hooked up to what is about to happen. I could imagine what is happening quite easily due to the well written details. Once again the beauty of this book is due to it being well detailed. The only issue I found is that it was difficult to identity who's POV is the chapter in, so I would recommend to add it in the beginning of the chapter so as to make it understandable since it's very confusing when you start reading the chapter as to who's speaking that until we finally have a name or something to identify the speaker. All in all, I loved the plot, it has suspense, magic, Revenge, Mystery and strong leads.

Total - (90.5/100)

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