Thursdays after school (Safa)

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Book: Thursdays After School

Author: AbbiTheAuthor

Reviewer: girly_blush


Title: (Titre)

For a writer, picking an apt title is one of the most difficult tasks. And here, it came out successfully. The title suited the storyline well.

Cover: (couverture)

As the cover is the first thing that attracts a reader, I think the cover was good, not best. The background image was okayish. But the fonts wasn't attractive enough.

Blurb:(la description)

You kept the blurb, simple and proper. It was enough to persuade anyone to check the book out.


The story was about a soccer player named Keilani, who was so determined to set her sports life well. Even though, she was a girl of capabilities, her own father wasnt interested in her sport. And she was very much unhappy about that. The plot goes around on her struggles and how she overcomes the bullying and teasing of others. The plot was good. In fact, it was for the first time, I read something like that. You have depicted the plot in an interesting way.

Characters: (personnages)

The characters were all introduced well. While reading, I felt attached to Keilani. Her character was the pillar of the whole plot. Even her inner thoughts were framed well. Also, her father's character was portrayed nicely. You have shown their emotions well.


The story was polished. But somewhere, there were some tenses missing. I didn't find much punctuational errors. Keep it up!

Flow: ( Couler)

From the first chapter onwards, I was hooked up by your plot. The story didn't lack any flow. But, you could have left some spaces after each paragraphs. It would have made the story look more tidy and good.

Reviewer's opinion: ( critique)

As I mentioned earlier, the storyline was pretty good. Even your narration went along. You should just improve in the part of grammar and flow. Also, make the cover more innovative.

Sorry for late publishing. Please complete the reviewer's payment.

Thank you

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