Our Unsaid Love (Bubble)

43 2 2

Book name: Our Unsaid Love

Author's name: 4hanna

Reviewer: Bubbleluv20


Title (Titre):

The title was good. I loved the way you connected it with the plot.

Cover (Coverture)

The cover of the story is not appealing according to me. You should add your main characters to the cover. Author name is not visible too.

Blurb (La description):

The blurb was nice. It makes your readers curious to peep into your story.

Storyline (Scénario):

It was good. Though you could have added some creativity to it.

Grammar (Grammerie):

There were some grammatical errors in your story. Make sure that you edit your book with the help of this app, Grammarly Keyboard.

Characters (Personagges):

There are many characters involved in your story and no proper attention was given to each and every character due to which confusion arises.

Flow (Couler):

The flow of the story was slow and fast both. Before the readers could connect to the scenes or emotions, it comes to an end. Still, I liked it.

Review Opinion (Critique):

I liked the way you wrote the story. I request you to give some justification to your characters. The flow of your book made me a bit disappointed. And please correct your grammatical errors. I am sure after these corrections, your book will be better piece to read.

I rate this story 3.5/5

All the best for your future endeavour.

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