The Demon Is Born (Nahar)

48 4 0

Author : manigandanrmec
Reviewer : dramaqueen_Nahar

Title/Titre : 8/10 :

Cover/Couverture : 5/10 :
Story cover needs improvement, it's not attractive at all.

Blurb/La Description : 5/10 :
You didn't write anything related to the main story in the blurb. It's needed to rewrite it and you should write something interesting so that it creates curiousity inside a reader to read the full story.

Storyline/Scénario 8/10 :
It's just four chapter still I found the storyline interesting. Please continue.

Dialogue/Expression : 7/10 :
You need to improve more. Specially while writing personal pov and normal conversation. It's getting mixed up.

Creativity/originality(La créativité/Originalité) 9/10 :
It's a nice story plot. I liked it.

Overall engagement/Engagement global :7/10
Author note before starting the story is making a reader irritated. Otherwise it's fine.

Grammar/Grammaire :9/10
I have not that much complaint of this field. Still I deducted one mark bcz there is always a scope to improve in this field.

Characters /Personnages : 7/10
I found few character name are so similar that it's confusing to a reader. You need to do something about it and if possible, rewrite the characters part. You should write something interesting to make a reader curious to read farther.

Flow/Couler 10/10 :
Story flow is good enough

Reviewer opinion:
You should change the story cover and rewrite the story blurb. If possible rewrite the characters part and delete that author note which is creating distraction before reading the story.

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