Beautiful Dreamer:The key

65 4 1

Book- Beautiful Dreamer:The Key

Author-  just_anuja

Reviewer- Daisy_srt

Title (Titre)

The title suits the book.It lays perfect emphasis on her dreams and the key.So good job done.

Cover (couverture)

The cover is good.The cover has the antique key and the book revolves around it.It is dark so it instantly catches your attention.

Blurb (la description)

The blurb gives a little sneak peak but it did not catch my attention.You can make it a little interesting so that people feel the need to press the read button.

Storyline (scènario)

It is interesting.It is mysterious.Willow is alone and she needs to find everything on her own with the little hints her grandmother left.I liked the storyline.

Grammar (grammaire)

You have good vocabulary. There weren’t grammatical errors as well so no complains.

Characters (personnages)

For characters,you could have explained them more.I felt the characters weren’t expressive.For eg- when her grandmother died,she should have been heartbroken and shattered since she was closest to her grandmother but that didn’t happen.

Flow ( Couler)

The flow of the story is a little fast for me.I felt like you were rushing with the book.

Reviewer opinion ( critique)

Overall the book is good.
Just work on the characters a bit.You have a good storyline now be a good story teller.Explain their feelings and turmoils.

Also, the chapters were a bit small.I felt like a few chps could have been continued with the previous ones.


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