Kalank (Dedicated to Avneil) (Neer)

33 2 0

Author's name : Psr1403

Reviewer's name : The_Reminiscent96

Book Name : Kalank (Dedicated to Avneil)

Title : (Titre)
The title is well justified to the theme of the poetry.

Cover : (Coverture)
It is nice and suits the concept.

Blurb : (la description)
There's no real blurb actually. It'd be more attractive if there was one.

Grammar : (Grammerie) and vocabulary
Grammar 5, vocabulary 7 (total 12/20)
Vocabulary is good and significant but it lacks the poetic essence. Some alternative choice of words is preferable.
The grammatical and technical part has to be majorly worked on. Appropriate use of punctuations and verses, metres etc. are missing and corrections to these points will increase in its appeal and aesthetics.

Poetic elements: 6/10
The rhyme & rhythm, metrical part and most important, the imagery is not upto the mark. A little more emphasis and creativity on them would make it more enthralling.

Concept: 8/10
The concept is deep, heart touching and relevant to the social institution.

Flow: (Couler)
I loved the ease at which the poem precedes.

Originality: 9/10

Overall engagement: 6/10

Review's opinion: ( critique)
The concept is deep, heart touching, sensitive, relevant and rather emotionally depicted, words are woven even more beautifully and maturely as the poem precedes. I loved how it covered both of their life aspects and held on to the positivity till the end. The ease of the flow at which the poem precedes is comforting. However, better focus on the accuracy of vocabulary and poetic elements will make it more attractive. Overall it's nice.

Overall: 7.2/10
I would rate this book : 72/100

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