Chapter 85 - Nilfgaard's attack -

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Shooting burning arrows at the castle, Nilfgaard was at its last stop. Mousesack pulled a protecting barrier over the building, hoping they would stop eventually and the people inside the castle get to live. "Your Majesty, the Nilfgaardians will breach the castle gates." Mousesack told his Queen while he looked out of the window. "Have breached." he corrected himself as the first burning arrows hit the wooden door. "Now what?" Ciri asked the mage, walking to her wounded grandmother.

She got injured badly on her upper body as she and Eist along with their army tried to fight Nilfgaard off at the border of Cintra. During that battle, Queen Calanthe lost her husband and with that Cintra lost its King. Now Calanthe laid on a chaiselongue with a coat being put tightly on her wound on her stomach. Her hand, clothing and coat being soaked with blood.

"What do we do?" Ciri asked hearing the yelling of knights, soldiers and citizens being slaughtered by Nilfgaard. They made it into the castle by ramming the gate open that was also heard and seen in the catacombs, dust ruffling from the ceiling, making both Witchers alarmed. Geralt stood up and grabbed a knight that ran by. He slammed his head against the bars, knocking him out. Geralt took his keys and unlocked the door of his cell. His armour and swords were laying across his cell. He walked down the hall in order to get out and check on Ciri. Fast steps were heard but not only by Geralt what made him walk slower and more careful. Geralt walked past the last cell from which the footsteps were heard. "Evelyn?" Geralt asked his wife who was walking up and down her cell. "Thank god, Geralt!" she exclaimed and rushed over to the bars. Geralt still had the key and opened Evelyn's cell. "I thought you were dead!" Geralt said with wide eyes and embraced the woman who chuckled sarcastically. "Me? dead? And I thought you knew me better than that." she scoffed and grabbed her belongings. 

"The Witcher I couldn't let him go. I know what I've done. He's in the gate keep." Calanthe told Mousesack with her voice being heavy from her injuries. She only knew about Geralt being captured but nothing about Evelyn, she still thought that she was dead, killed by the knights. "If I can bring him here to Ciri destiny may yet side with us." Calanthe breathed heavily. "Danek." she spoke to the knight who guarded the door. "It's time." she simply said and both, Mousesack and Danek understood and left the room going in different directions. Mousesack on his way to Geralt's cell and Danek to fulfil his duty.

"Geralt!" Mousesack shouted for the Witcher, walking past every cell with a torch in his hands to light the way. He sighed as he saw the unconscious knight laying on the ground and the cell being wide open with no sign of Geralt.  

He and Evelyn made their way out and not even a second after they left the castle they got greeted by a Nilfgaardian lunging at them with his sword. Geralt reacted quickly and rammed his sword into his stomach, slicing it open up to his throat. Killing they made their way out of the alley. 

"Your Majesty." Mousesack said as he entered the Queen's chambers with no Geralt with him. Said mage leaned towards the Queen. "He's gone. Looks like he's escaped." he whispered and the Queen turned her head to him. "If he's out there, then there is still hope for her." Calanthe spoke and Mousesack straightened his back. Ciri was confused. "What is it?" she asked but no one answered. "Lazlo, bring her cloak." the Queen demanded. Her breathing got heavier and she already had to gasp for air. "What? No!" Ciri said with fear in her eyes, shaking her head quickly. "Continue to be brave. Promise me. You are the Lion Cub of Cintra. You are destined for great things." she spoke but Ciri kept shaking her head. "I can't do this without you." Ciri raised her voice. "We must go, Your Highness." Lazlo said reaching out her cloak to Ciri. 

"No!" Ciri started to scream while she stood up. The glasses on the table started moving and rattling, a weird aura flying through the room. Both, the Queen and Lazlo looked surprised at her. Even Ciri was shocked by herself. "Go." Calanthe ordered. "The world depends on it." she added. A tear escaped Ciri's eye and she kneeled in front of her grandmother. "I love you." she softly whispered taking her hand. "Find Geralt of Rivia. He is your destiny." were the last words of Calanthe to her granddaughter. "We must go, Your Highness." Lazlo said, wrapping the coat around her and leaving the room. 

The city was burning, Nilfgaardians rushing into the castle. Geralt and Evelyn watching all of it, being worried about their Child Surprise. No one was spared, every person in their way got slaughtered like cattle.

Queen Calanthe, as the now only person in this room, stood up from her laying position. She decided to rather die than surrender to Nilfgaard. She walked over to the window and opened it wide. She stood on the edge of the wall, ready to let herself fall into death. Having to watch her people being killed in her own castle and the city around it, she let herself fall. 

A thud was heard by Geralt and Evelyn who looked around the broken carriage to check what caused it. Geralt was the first whose gaze landed on Queen Calanthes dead body, bloody and broken laying on the ground. Geralt exhaled sharply while Evelyn couldn't even look at it, by Geralt blocking her sight. She turned her head slightly to see her as well. "Fuck..." she muttered and started running to where they came from, the entrance. If Calanthe's dead, Ciri wasn't safe anymore. 

"Princess come." Mousesack said as he and Lazlo lead her to the knight's horse. He got her up on the mare and sat behind her riding out through the alleys to save the scared princess. 

In the hall from which the Witchers came were only dead bodies except for one which Geralt pinned to the wall. "Tell me what I want to know and you'll live." he threatened the man from Nilfgaard, pressing his sword against his chest. "I am already saved." the soldier chuckled at what he got the iron sword rammed into his heart. He groaned and fell to the ground. Geralt put a hand on the panting man's shoulder. "Where is Cirilla?" he asked, looking him dead serious in the face. "No one... is left." he whimpered. "We shall be born anew. Thus it shall be. Watch for the signs. What signs these shall be I say unto-" he started but Evelyn rolled her eyes, slicing the man's throat. 

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