Chapter 29 - The thing in the corridor -

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"I'm here for my payment." I said as soon as the woman who posted the job opened the door. She nodded and handed me a bag of coin. "You're the first female Witcher I've seen." She said and looked at me confused because of what she said. I waved in defence. "Oh, I'm no Witcher. I just like to kill monsters." I smiled at her and she looked at me as if I had grown a second head but then shook her head while chuckling. "Alright then, have a great day." she said and I nodded at her as a goodbye. I threw the bag lightly in my hand and then put it into my bag that was attached to Amber. "Come on, Amber. We should be heading back until mother finds out." I rolled my eyes at her and then hopped on, to make my way back.

If I think about it, this was the first job I've taken completely all by myself and managed quite well. I can't wait to tell Geralt and Jaskier about this! The castle wasn't far away from the village, it was around 15 minutes. I hurried back so that Amber gets some rest more quickly and so I can tell my friends what I did and of course to curse all these lessons. Ah right! I had to tell Geralt about this weird whispering in that hall.

"Princess Evelyn. Did you had a safe trip?" One of the guards asked as I went off of Amber who was taken to the stables by another guard. "Yes. And thank you for covering me." I winked at the guard that had tried to get me back to the castle, at the tavern. He simply nodded and I made my way inside and had to get myself escorted to my room... again because I still don't know how to get to any room in this huge building.

In my room, I took off my sword that I again hid under my bed just in case my mother forbids me to own them. I went outside my room and saw Jaskier who had already gone by my room so I called him and he smiled at me widely and stopped. "Eve, where have you been all day? I had to be all by myself-" he stopped himself. "Well, not exactly. I was singing all day to the maids and how could I have stopped they just adored me and my lute." he enthused and petted his lute what made me chuckle. "I had so many boring lessons but I made it out and went monster hunting." Jaskier was astonished. "Without Geralt? My, my, they grow up so quickly." he wiped away a not existing tear and I rolled my eyes at that.

"Have you seen Geralt anywhere?" I asked Jaskier but he shook his head and then asked me what I needed from him. I then told him about the whispering in the hall and then asked him if he could check if he's hearing it too. "Look, I went there and as soon as I tried to open the door-" I pointed at the door at the end of the hall. "I heard whispering but the curious thing about this is that whatever it was it knew my name." I explained and Jaskier shivered. Right he's not used to such things and is easily scared by many things.

The thing whispered again and I could easily see that Jaskier heard it too because he jumped and then grabbed his lute as if it would comfort him in this situation. "So you hear it, too? Maybe Geralt knows something about this or even... my mother." I mumbled the last part and Jaskier and I quickly made our way out of that creepy hall. What is this thing? I didn't get to know many monsters yet. Geralt taught me the common ones so far, like ghouls, noon- or night wraiths or foglets. If it would be one of those they could easily get out of that room and it would be gone by now since I heard the whispering around noon.

"Geralt." I called his name as I knocked on his door. No answer. I sighed, he's still not there. Just as Jaskier and I wanted to leave, the door opened. I turned on my heel. "Geralt!" I exclaimed and he just looked at me confused yet somehow relieved. "Do you have a minute or two?" I asked him and he nodded and closed the door of his room. "I'm not- I'm not going there again." Jaskier said and so it was just Geralt and me walking there.

"You know-" I started and he looked at me. "I got a job done today." I said with a smug smile on my face and he looked at me with raised brows. "Is that so? Did you got any injuries?" he asked and looked concerned at me and I shook my head. "Good." Then it was silent again and I looked at him from time to time. Inspected his face and examined it. I looked away before he could catch me doing that and then I would look innocently around the hall pretending I was looking at the paintings.

"What happened to your dress?" He broke the silence. "Oh, I had to change into something else. I was a completely different person." I rolled my eyes and made a fitting gesture along with it. "Right, I almost didn't recognize you, this morning." I gasped playfully hurt and hit him on his shoulder. "I like you better that way." he shrugged and I looked at the ceiling or anywhere else. He said he liked me like that. Liked it more than the princess version of me so it's not such a big deal, right? 

He halted and put his arm in front of me so I would stop too. I guess he sensed something and we already were in that said corridor. The whispering appeared again. He looked at me and nodded for me to go. "Tell everyone to lock themselves in a room." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Why? What's in there?" I started to panic slightly. "A Katakan."

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