Chapter 31 - Next to a corpse -

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"I wanted to help!" I said my voice louder than usual but still not shouting. "You could've gotten hurt!" He said back in a louder voice than mine I stepped back a little surprised by his growling. He looked at my arm and saw the wound since my blouse was cut open there. "How did you manage to still get hurt?" He looked frustrated and ruffled his hair. "It doesn't matter. What if you could have been wounded or even killed!" I now yelled because I didn't want that to happen. "Fuck, Geralt!" I added and looked at him with a painful expression by just thinking he could've died.

I had to hold back a sob and still looked at him, waiting for an answer. "And you?! If you'd died your parents, your father in Posada and Jaskier they all would never forgive me. I would never even forgive myself. Do you understand how important you are to people?!" He still yelled and I blinked a few times. "Why do you keep talking like nobody cares about you, goddamnit?! I do, Geralt, do you fucking understand that?!" How did this turn into a fight? I don't want to fight with him. 

It was silent and I could clearly feel the tension between us, right now. I looked at him and he at me. Nobody turned away as if the other one disappeared the moment one did. Everything went so fast. Suddenly we rushed the few steps separating us and his lips were on mine. My hands ruffling his hair and him holding my lower back to steady me against him. It was a wild yet gentle kiss. It felt like heaven as our lips moved against each other and I could be this close to him. It felt like I got everything I ever wanted. It felt special. It felt warm. Completely different from the one I had with Jacob. That's more like the feeling I expected. 

Because of the lack of oxygen, we broke apart. I quickly took my hands away from him and cleared my throat. I had a dark blush on my face and looked at the wall to avoid his gaze. "I- uhm- I'm sorry." I mumbled and put a not existing strand of hair behind my ear. I looked up at him and he had an amused expression on his face. "W-what?" I asked and looked flustered around but found no spot on which I could fix my gaze. "This-" he sighed. "Could be a lot more romantic if we wouldn't be standing next to a dead vampire." He said and nodded his head in the direction of the corpse lying a few meters away from us at which I wrinkled my nose.

"Yeah.. probably." I said and was still more than embarrassed by the action that just took place. He came closer again and placed his hand where it was during the kiss: my lower back. I yelped in surprise but didn't deny it. His golden eyes hypnotized me and I started to close my eyes and lean in and so did he. We shared another kiss this time more gentle and soft. After we broke apart we stayed in our position like we were and he put his forehead against mine. "The last thing I wanted was that I was important to someone..." he sighed and I could feel his breath against my cheek which was still covered in a blush. "And yet here we are."

After I woke up it all felt like a dizzy dream but when I saw Geralt next to me still sleeping I knew for sure it wasn't. We haven't done it- like we didn't fuck but after he and I disposed of the body of the vampire, only keeping its head, I was too uncomfortable to sleep alone I asked Geralt to join me. He wore nothing but his underwear like he did last time we shared a bed. I rolled on my side so I could watch him properly. He looked so peacefully in his sleep and the blanket was exposing his upper body and my focus was only on that and I had to watch myself to not drool at the sight. I heard him yawning slightly and then looked up at him so he wouldn't notice my staring. "I know you stared." he said with still closed eyes. 

I heard steps coming from outside and my eyes widened. "Geralt!" I whispered yet yelled. "Someone's coming. Go hide behind that thing." I ordered him to hide behind the room divider. He groaned but did as told and took his clothing with him so there would be no hint that he was here.

"Princess, Evelyn." I heard the maid from yesterday knocking on my door. "Are you awake?" she asked and I responded to her answer. I sat in my bed and she walked in, greeting me. I quickly got up and she handed me a dress. How? She must have picked it out yesterday for me. This time it was a yellow one and I must admit that one wasn't too bad. No corset, nothing must be tied up so it seemed comfortable to me. I grabbed it and went behind the room divider where Geralt was almost completely dressed and smirked at me. "Do you need any help?" she asked and got closer. "No! Eh- sorry, no, thanks." I shouted at first.

I put on the dress. Its sleeves were very small and ended just under my shoulders. The decolté was heart-shaped and was a little see-through and that went almost down to my belly button. The skirt was a lace one, or better, a lace layer covered the rest of the fabric. All over the top part were white and silver little details.

I had to undress in front of Geralt and I pointed to him that he would turn around and he did with an eye roll

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I had to undress in front of Geralt and I pointed to him that he would turn around and he did with an eye roll. I put on the dress and as I thought it was pretty comfortable to walk in. Before I stepped outside I tapped Geralt's shoulder so he could look at me and he gave me an approving look. With that, I stepped to the maid and got the same procedure with shoes and hair as yesterday.

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