Chapter 39 - Never have I ever -

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Geralt hadn't had much of Evelyn since she was busy all through the day. The only chances they had to talk to each other was during their meals which they shared with Lambert and Vesemir. There were exceptions of course. At night they would spend time together as well. Geralt was supposed to show her a room where she could sleep but instead he took her to his room on what she didn't complain about.

After three days Eskel also arrived at Kaer Morhen. He wasn't attractive for most of the women since he had several scars starting at his right eye and ending at his chin. He had longer hair than Lambert but still shorter than Vesemir and Geralt's. Its colour was almost the same shade of brown as Lamberts.

He was very confused. At his arrival, he almost died. He opened the door to the entrance and the next moment Evelyn's sword was next to his head inside the wall, between the stone bricks. She was trying to make her final move on the dummy that swung around the yard and tried to throw her sword at it. That was how Eskel meet Evelyn and he wasn't even mad but impressed by her fighting and a little confused why a girl is training with Vesemir.

In the evening Vesemir left them because he always went to bed pretty early and the four of them could have a chat which would explain Evelyns presence here. With a cup of ale, they talked and Eskel laughed at her story, so did Lambert since he hasn't heard it fully as well.

Lambert got up and took something from a small table and then returned with a big leather hat on his head. "Hullo, young 'uns! Got your own little carnival going, eh? Alcohol, my good men, is a Witchers worst enemy!" We all looked at him confused yet amused. "Where'd you dig up that bonnet?" Geralt asked for all of us. "Vesemirs trunk. The height fashion of 1112! Old man probably put it on when he went courting! Or, in the jargon of the time, 'wooing the damsels'." I tried to hold back a laugh at that. 1112? Vesemir's already that old?!

He stood proudly in front of us with both hands on his hips and his nose high. "All right, one Vesemir's enough. Take that off before you get it dirty." Eskel spoke and shook his head. Lambert took the hat off and pouted somewhat. "Oh, I'll pour, Eskel, I'll pour. To the brim 'cause without vodka you're as stiff as a bookkeeper in a body cast." 

"C'mon, let's have some fun." Geralt said since they haven't done anything together in a long time, Geralt and the other Witchers of course. "We boring you?" Eskel asked but Geralt shook his head. "No, it's just kinda..." Lambert interrupted him. "Slow. Pretty boy's right. Listen... there's this game, student from Oxenfurt taught me." Lambert stated and looked over at Evelyn as soon as he called Geralt 'pretty boy'. He really was the most handsome one in the group, in Evelyns eyes what was because of him being her lover.

Lambert mentioned the game that got all of them curious. "Someone starts by saying 'I've never...' and finishing the sentence however they want. Whoever done that thing, downs a shot. Then it's the next guy's turn." sounded interesting so they gave it a try. Lambert started. "I've never... slept with a succubus." he said and Eskel had to drink. Evelyn looked at him with wide eyes and chuckled. If there will be only such questions she would stay sober this night.

"How 'bout that!" Lambert exclaimed since Eskel drank. "Expected Geralt might've, but you?" he asked and Evelyn frowned at that. He expected Geralt to drink but luckily he didn't; was the only thing crossing Evelyn's mind. "Eskel, Eskel. Still waters run deep." Lambert chuckled and pointed at his friend who only tried avoiding it. "I'm a sucker for women with horns." Evelyn almost choked on that and laughed. 

Now it was Eskels turn since he wanted to change the subject. "I've never, after a bender, woken up wearing nothing but my knickers." Lambert and Geralt drank. Now Evelyn was curious, why and how Geralt got in that situation. "Geralt? Lambert's a lost case, but you... What would Papa Vesemir say?" Eskel teased him and Evelyn wanted to know as well. "Think Papa Vesemir woulda drank that round, too." Geralt countered and avoided his answer. 

Geralt's turn. "I've never taken fisstech." Eskel drank. Wow, Evelyn managed to get through without drinking, what a shame. "Eskel, really?" Geralt asked and was taken aback that Eskel would do drugs. "Once. With that succubus.." he mumbled his explanation.

Now it was up to Evelyn. She sighed. "Guys, I haven't taken a single sip from that fucking liquor, you're no fun." She pouted but then thought of a sentence for the game. "I've never..." there was a thing that came to her mind, Geralt would definitely have to drink but she was curious about the others, too. "-taken anyone's virginity." She finished and all three drank. Why didn't it surprise her? She rolled her eyes. "Of course." she mumbled.

"Right, men and Eve, let's end on that or else I'll never be able to look you in the eyes again." Geralt brought the game to an end. "Ah... Vodka. The vodka's gone. Who's gonna get some more?" Lambert asked and looked at Geralt. "Already went to get food." he said. "All right, I'll do it. Kitchen... It's that way, right?" Eskel said and then asked for the direction of the kitchen. Evelyn could tell all the men had drunk a whole cup of vodka each and hers was still full what resulted in the three of them being almost drunk and her almost sober. 

Evelyn didn't pay attention to Geralt and Lambert who were confessing their love as brothers for each other and gave each other a hug or at least tried to. When Lambert got up the empty bottle of vodka fell on the floor. "Good thing it was empty. Eh- Where's Eskel? Shoulda been back by now. We oughta look around." Geralt said and he was right. Eskel wasn't back yet.

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