Chapter 4 - Witchers -

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Currently, I was on my way back home after my shift at the tavern. It was already dark outside so I kind of rushed home. God knows what lurks in the dark - monsters, perverts which are practically the same but still. It's not safe for a woman to be outside in the dark all by herself especially after such a thread back in that tavern. To be honest, I don't really care about men like these, but I don't want to be raped, so I should better not take my guard down. I could deal with them, and I will if I must. Already happened, so I know.

Paranoid, I continued my way home as I imagined hearing something rustle in the bushes near the path. If there was something, it is some kind of rat or so. "'Ere you are, poppet." I recognized that voice. It was that filthy man from the tavern. "Fuck off." I simply told him and went on. My hand went down to my belt where my grip tightened around my dagger. That man laughed darkly. "You're an unmarried girl, too old to marry, so you're less worth than a goat, so..." he chuckled as I got annoyed by this man. "So it means that I'm saving myself up for the right one and that one is not you." I growled at him.

He laughed. Again. God damn how I hate that laugh. "Look, I'm not interested in such a filthy man with no pride." I yelled but still haven't turned around to face him but went straight on. "Oh, shut up!" he growled and rushed up to me where he kept a hand over my mouth. "Don't fight back. That way it'll be much more pleasant." I grabbed my dagger and rammed it right into his side. He yelped up in pain and let go of me. I kicked him in the chest, where he had fallen into the mud. I put my dagger back and turned around the corner, where I'd be home in a few seconds. "Come back 'ere, ye little bitch!" he screamed but was not able to follow me.

Once I reached my home I went inside and locked the door. Nothing unusual. I did that every night but this time I was far more exhausted than usual. I had a long day at work and I didn't have so much strength to kick a fat, nasty man to the ground. "You good?" I heard my father ask and I simply smiled and nodded at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's good and so I hope the stew is." I said as I took off my coat. My father had already prepared a plate for me and waited for me to get home. "Thanks, father." I spoke as he nodded and sat beside me. "How was work?" he asked. "Good, I guess. Jaskier introduced me to a.. a friend of his, I suppose." I told him remembering those eyes of him and in general how good-looking he was. "So? Tell me about him." he spoke watching me eating the stew, he made earlier. "Good?" he asked another question. "Yeah, he is a Witcher. He's not much of a talker." I answered his question but he only chuckled. "I meant the stew." 

"Oh, yeah, it's nice as well." I answered the real question now, chuckling a little. "So, so. You think that this Witcher is nice, aye? What's his name then?" he smirked but I only rolled my eyes in amusement. "Geralt. Geralt of Rivia." He looked like he was thinking about something. "Right. I'll be off to bed, then. Goodnight, sweetheart." he said and gave me a quick kiss on my hairline. "Goodnight, father."

I ate up my dinner but stayed a little at the table before I took my plate and put it into the sink where I washed the plate, with the water, father had left for me. After it was clean I walked towards the stairs. I stood still midway and looked over my shoulder into the, now dark, room as I blew the candles out moments ago. Quickly I made my way up to my room only to have it dark as well. Because of that, I lightened up a few candles inside my room that stood on my nightstand and my table at the window.

Even though I had to wake early tomorrow I still didn't felt like going to sleep. I took off my belt and with it, my dagger. It still had blood from that pervert on it. I got out a piece of cloth from my drawer and cleaned it up. Afterward, the dagger got his place on my dresser and so did my belt. I got out of the rather tight clothes and stood half-naked in my room. I took out some dark green cloth pants and a beige shirt. I took off my bra and slipped the shirt over.

I sighed and pulled the blanket off of my bed aside. Since I already sat on my bed I didn't want to get up anymore to blow out the candles. Still, I got to because I didn't want the house to burn down to the ground. After a few minutes had passed I finally got myself to stand up and blow the candles out. As if I haven't sat in years I let myself fall into bed. I laid down in my cuddly bed and pulled the blanket up. 

I always would lay on my side and stare out of the window like I was watching that no monster is coming into the house, which hopefully never happens. There are some crazy people out there to make sure that doesn't happen. Such like these Witchers. Come to think of them I don't really know if what my father told me is true that he could choose to not become one. I mean who would voluntarily become one: you're always alone, which is not that bad, but the chance of you getting killed at least once a day is extremely high. Anyways it ain't my lifestyle, or is it? How am I able to know? I've been living here all my life and haven't seen anything from the continent. I shouldn't bother about anybody's lifestyle. I bet there are people who don't like mine either. And I am one of them.

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