Chapter 1 - Toss a coin to your Witcher -

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"Eve, the donkey went crazy again. Can you take care of him?" I heard my father asking. Well, he's not exactly my father. More like stepfather. He's a blacksmith and taught me a little bit of his profession but I soon realized that I'm better at fighting with swords than making them. My stepfather realized as well and taught me all he knew about swordsmanship. He knew a lot about it from his young years. He was trained and got a lot of potentials. So much that a Witcher school offered that they could teach him magic, under certain circumstances, and improve his fighting style but he refused, he wouldn't want to live a life of loneliness and nothing around him but monsters. Also, he was only a kid by the age of 10. 

My stepfather is a rather good-looking man in his late forties with smoke black hair and green eyes. His wife, my stepmother, I've never really met - That's because she died just three years after they took me in - we don't know what killed her. Some hunters found her dead near the swamp, we believe she was there to get some herbs. At that point, I was around five years old, so I can barely remember what she looked like or how she was in her personality. 

"Speaking of crazy, that little friend of yours is here again." father added. I went inside to stop the donkey, my father held in a stable which was also his smithy - he is a blacksmith, as I just said. The donkey's job was to make the gears run or so. To be honest I'm not good at being a blacksmith.

"Ah, thanks, Mr. Brown. Again my name's Jaskier." I heard my friend from outside the smithy. "Yeah, whatever." my father answered like he didn't care but in reality, he's a very nice and friendly man and does care about my one and my only best friend, though he doesn't show it, so he doesn't get so comfy around him and most importantly he doesn't want to be bothered by Jaskiers songs. I, for myself, liked them quite a lot but my father was never a big fan of music. The only music for him is the sound of colliding iron and the sound it makes when it gets out of the oven into the cold water. 

I went outside to see Jaskier tuning his lute, ready to sing another song. "Jaskier!" I exclaimed because my father looked already annoyed. "Evelyn!" He greeted me back. "Perfect timing. I was just about to present your father my newest song I've written, how about it?" he asked and I smiled awkwardly at my father then looked back at Jaskier who was smiling proudly and waited for an answer. "Yeah, right but how about you present me that song on the way to the market? I'm sure father is exhausted from all the smithing." My father looked rather relieved. "Okay, I sure can do that. Then let's get going, Eve." he smiled at me and I just nodded and said my goodbyes to my father as we left.

"So what's your new song about?" I asked him and my taller friend looked at me like he was just waiting for me to ask him that. "Okay, so I've met this Witcher, Geralt of Rivia." he told me and gave me an expecting glance. "What?" I asked question marks all over my head. "Do ya know him?" He stopped in his steps to ask me that, so I stood as well. "No, how? I've never heard anything of any Witcher. Just in general." I said and he looked surprised. "Okay then you have to listen to my song because I went along with him on one of his- his jobs and he is absolutely amazing Eve!" he enthused. So that's where he was...

He cleared his throat and took his lute from his back. 

"When a humble bard graced a ride along with Geralt of Rivia along came this song.
From when the White-wolf fought a silver-tongued devil his army of elves at his hooves did they revel.
They came after me with masterful deceit.
Broke down my lute and they kicked in my teeth.
While the devil's horns minced our tender meat and so cried the Witcher:
He can't be bleat!"

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?" I asked midway gasping along with it. "Shh, I answer questions afterwards." he told me and continued as I nodded.

"Toss a coin to your Witcher.
O' valley of plenty,
O' valley of plenty, Ooo~
Toss a coin to your Witcher.
O' valley of plenty~

At the edge of the world,
fight the mighty horde that bashes and breaks you and brings you the morn'

He thrusts every elf far back on the shelf.
High up on the mountain from whence it came.

He wiped out your pest.
Got kicked in his chest.
He's a friend of humanity so give him the rest.

That's my epic tale.
A champion prevailed.
Defeated the villain.
Now pour him some ale!

Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' valley of plenty
O' valley of plenty
Toss a coin to your Witcher
A friend of humanity

Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' valley of plenty
O' valley of plenty
Toss a coin to your Witcher
A friend of humanity"

he finished his song by which I was pretty amazed. "Jaskier, it's just... it's just wow!" I cheered and clapped my hands as he bowed and put his lute back. "It's amazing! How was it, fighting against the devil?" I asked curiously. He scratched his neck. "It wasn't exactly a devil but some kind of goat, I don't know." he told me and I raised a brow. "So what happened in your song is not true?" I asked surprised but he shook his head no. "No! It all happened, of course, I... uh, just changed some details." he muttered. "Whatever, it's still a good song." 

By the time he sang we had arrived at the market where I was supposed to get some vegetables for the dinner today. By the way, my father is also an extraordinarily good cook. While I was looking through the vegetables Jaskier was around the market. Probably standing somewhere singing for a crowd that doesn't want to hear him. I wonder why. He's a good singer and his songs are good as well. I couldn't help but hum the melody of the song.

Toss A Coin | Geralt of Rivia X OC | The Witcher FFWhere stories live. Discover now