Chapter 36 - Two and a half Witchers -

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3rd person pov

As always Phillip, alias Mr. Brown was up early. As a Witcher, he didn't need much sleep and had in addition to that a very light one. So had the other Witcher being a guest in his house. Geralt woke up and went down to be greeted by Phillip who wasn't surprised that he's already up. "Morning." Phillip spoke which Geralt returned. He sat down at the table in the kitchen across from Phillip. 

"Never expected to meet someone from the griffin school." Geralt said making Phillip smile a little. "Neither did I expect to have a Witcher from the wolven school in my house but how the tables have turned, huh?" Geralt nodded and smiled lightly as well. "If I may ask, how come you settled down here? I mean it's unusual for someone like us to settle down." Geralt asked and Phillip nodded at that. He got up and got out two cups and placed them at the table. 

"Love." he said as he poured their drinks into the cups. Geralt looked at him in confusion at what Phillip chuckled. "You should know yourself that we Witchers are no emotionless mutants with only killing and coin in their heads." Geralt nodded thinking of Evelyn. "Have you ever experienced love, Geralt?" he sat down and waited for an answer. "Yes." the white-haired man only spoke and took a sip from his cup. "Oh, then tell me about her." Phillip was curious. You could almost say he was no Witcher anymore by the way he behaved because it was very similar to not mutated humans as he adapted to living in a normal village.

"She was a true beauty. Black hair soft like silk and the prettiest eyes I've ever seen." Geralt spoke about his lover, making it seem like she was no more. Phillip smiled at that and nodded in agreement as he could say the same about his wife back then. "You know, Geralt, it's not bad to quit this lifestyle, settle down, marry and well, having children is not that easy as Witchers but-" he said and looked to the stairs and Geralt nodded as he understood that a Witcher managed to have a daughter. 

"Let me take a look on ya swords. They need to be checked after that long of a time." Geralt nodded and sighed. "How much do you take?" he then asked but the other declined with a hand gesture. "Nothing. You saved my daughter and I'm very thankful for that. Also, you took care of her during your journey and taught her how to protect herself. Consider it as a favour in return." Phillip explained and Geralt could do nothing but nod then. 

During the time Phillip checked Geralt's and Evelyn's swords they had a chat about this and that. Geralt asked about Kaer Seren and its leader, Keldar. Phillip only knew that Kare Seren was damaged badly and many Witchers died and he didn't know if Keldar did. Phillip asked the same about Kaer Morhen and Vesemir. Geralt nodded but at the same time shook his head. "Last time I was there, a year ago, yes. I hope that's still the case." 

"What are you two talking about?" Evelyn came into the smithy still a little sleepy. Geralt smiled not visible to himself at her sight. "Witcher stuff, honey." Phillip answered. "Oh, I wanna know, too! Since I'm already considered as a Witcher myself." She was now fully awake and stood proudly in the door frame at the fact. "Oh, really?" Her father asked with his brows raised. 

"Then tell me what's the best to do against a bruxa or an alp?" he questioned and he hasn't even finished what he said and Evelyn interrupted him with the answer. "Vampire oil on a steel sword works but on a silver sword even better. Also, black blood is very effective if they manage to take a bite from you and not to forget moon dust bombs so they can't turn fully invisible." Phillip was impressed and smiled proudly and crossed his arms. "You did a good job, Geralt. Vesemir and Keldar would be more than proud that someone actually learned in their training." he chuckled and Geralt agreed on that. 

"I guess you could consider yourself a Witcher, an unofficial one, but still. In that case, you're wearing the wrong medallion." Phillip added and looked then at Geralt. "You should consider taking the exam to get yourself one that responses to you." Her father suggested and Evelyn liked the idea of that. "Perhaps I should give that back to you then?" she took the pendant in her hand and began to take the necklace off, to give it back to her father. "I'm sorry, to betray you father." Evelyn started to be playfully overdramatic again. "But I am Witcher from the school of the wolf." Her father shook his head in amusement and so did Geralt. 

"Will I go through this trial of grasses to get those mutations like you, would make some things easier." She mumbled the last part but Geralt and Phillip shook both their heads agreeing on that. "Why not?" she huffed and put her hands on her hips and blew a strand of hair away since she hasn't brushed it yet and was still a mess. "It's too dangerous, you could die during this process. Also, Kaer Morhen lost knowledge of how to create Witchers since the last attack." Geralt explained to her and she sighed. "Fine."

"Since you're finally awake we should eat." Phillip said and they went inside to eat in the kitchen. "When do you think I can get my own medallion?" Evelyn asked excited for it. "Maybe next winter." Geralt said but she could see in his eyes that he meant this one because of them going to Kaer Morhen together. "Sounds reasonable since you're still in training." her father agreed with Geralt. "Hm, yes. I wonder how it's like there in Kaer-", "Morhen." Geralt continued as he knew she couldn't memorize the name. "And the people there. Tell me about them, Geralt." He did as she asked so she was warned of Lambert, Eskel and Vesemir.

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