Chapter 67 - Finally! -

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Another winter came over the land and Geralt and Evelyn were yet again in Kaer Morhen, just like every winter. The snow was covering the land in a thick layer. The temperature dropped low and the chimney had to be lit all the time so Kaer Morhen wouldn't freeze. Geralt made many attempts but sometimes the mood wasn't good enough and sometimes it was the usual: someone interrupted or it was Evelyn herself changing topics.

Jaskier, this time stayed home in Posada during the winter, he's only been to Kaer Morhen once or so. He found himself another muse with whom he spent the winter. She brought him inspiration and so many songs and poems were created by Jaskier this winter. Even a whole play he wrote that only waited to be played by experienced actors. Maybe in Novigrad. It was about a commander in the military falling in love with an elf who is supposed to be killed, as it was ordered by the king. He refuses and is sentenced to death because of treason. The elven got him out and accepted him as one of them and he could live in peace with his love.

Something similar now Evelyn and Geralt had. They were in front of the chimney in the main hall. Geralt sitting and Evelyn laying on her side with her head in Geralt's lap. "Geralt?" she asked the man, who stroked her black hair. He grunted in response. "What did you wish for back then in Rinde?" she asked and Geralt laughed soundlessly. "Not gonna tell you." he smirked and Evelyn got up from his lap. "Why not?" she pouted. "Well, I'll tell you soon enough, but-" he sighed, getting ready to get out the ring which he always had with him. Evelyn gave him an expecting look. "Evelyn, you know-" he scratched his neck and she smiled at him. 

"Geralt, Evelyn! Eskel brought some whiskey, wanna join drinking?" Lambert shouted destroying the moment. Geralt groaned annoyedly. "Okay, I take that as a no, I guess." Lambert said slightly offended and started to walk off. "No, Lambert wait!" Evelyn said and leaned on the couch they were sitting on. "Whiskey sounds good, right?" she said and looked at Geralt who then nodded sighting. "Yeah, some whiskey is what I need right now." he said rubbing his temple. 

They went into the dining hall, where Eskel and Vesemir were sitting, already placing glasses for the whiskey for everyone. A bottle with a black Sticker around it. The caramel-coloured liquor in the bottle was almost up to the cap and waited to be drunk by the Witchers. 

They all sat down and the Eskel proudly presented the whiskey he got from Temeria. He poured everyone a little in the glass to try it out. They clinked glasses and all took their first sip. Eskel looked at them waiting for a reaction. Evelyn made a face but not in disgust. "Oh, that one's strong." she said and nodded as she liked the taste actually. "Yeah, right." Eskel agreed with her taking another sip. "Didn't know you had a good taste in that." Geralt admitted that he liked the alcohol that Eskel brought for once.

Vesemir examined the two lovers not really caring to comment on the taste of the whiskey. He looked at Evelyn's hand which didn't wear the gauntlets now. She was on winter break and so she didn't need to wear them, especially not in the building. He saw that she still didn't wear a ring on her finger even if he didn't know about Geralt's plan yet. Vesemir frowned at Geralt and then grunted. "I need to talk to you about your intentions with this relationship." Vesemir started and Geralt almost choked on his drink and Evelyn sat there petrified, not knowing how to respond to that, neither what he really meant. "What are you talking about?" Even Eskel wondered. 

"If you're not thinking about something more, I am going to insist that you stop courting her." He said to Geralt dead serious. To him, Evelyn was like a daughter or more like a granddaughter because he got so well along with her. Geralt looked at him annoyed. "What?" Geralt asked. "You've been coming for over 15 years every winter here with her and still... nothing?" he asked, shaking his head. "Vesemir, you're asking me about my intentions? You're threatening me for-" he got interrupted by Vesemir who was shaking his head and holding up his hand.

"Shut up, Geralt. Evelyn, I apologize for his behaviour." Vesemir said as he took Evelyns hands. She was still petrified sitting in her seat but somehow managed to answer. "It's- it's okay." Then a small smile appeared on her lips with which she then turned to Geralt. "Yeah, you know what; Geralt you should listen to the wise man." she said and nodded at her own statement, pointing at Vesemir with her thumb over her shoulder.

Geralt sighed and squinted in annoyance. "You know what. Fuck it." he mumbled to himself. Evelyn wasn't sure what he meant with that, her eyes being wide. Geralt put a hand in his pocket without being noticed and played with the velvet box. Now was the best opportunity for it. Even if there's not this romantical atmosphere he wanted or thought she would appreciate, but if not now he'll be waiting another few years. "You know what... Actually-" he said and tapped his fingers nervously. No one took his gaze off of Geralt, waiting for his next move. "I was waiting since Toussaint for that-" 

He sighed and did something he didn't expect him to do, almost two decades ago; he slipped the velvet box out of his pocket and put it on the table. Evelyn was shocked but positively and jumped out of her seat, making the chair fall but no one cared right now. The three men watched with interest and even if none of them would admit it, their hearts all melted at that moment.

"Evelyn, will you marry me?" he finally asked. She was unable to speak and moved her head into a nod. Geralt was nervous since she didn't say anything. "Yes, she will!" Vesemir said to encourage the female Witcher who then nodded more eagerly. She had to cover her face, she was overwhelmed with emotions, everyone said that Witchers don't have but here she is, almost crying because of joy. "Yes, of course!" she said and Geralt got up relived. He opened the box and put on the ring onto her left ring finger. Finally, Geralt managed to propose after seven long years.

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