Chapter 75 - Sir Witcher -

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Sir Eyck thought it would be a good idea to stick the head of the hirikka on a stick and place it in front of the camp, to scare intruders. The long ears were hanging loose from its head and the bright yellow eyes weren't so bright anymore, they were dull gazing far away. The creature's mouth was filled with dried black blood, some of it still dripping from its neck and the hairs on its head. All in all, it was a shocking image. The rest of the Hirikka was being tied onto a stick and got then roasted over the campfire which was surrounded by all hunters. Only Sir Eyck was brave enough to stick his sword into the cooked flesh and to take a bite from it. 

"I'm not sure I'd eat that, good sir." Borch said looking disgusted at the knight taking a big bite from it and chewing it with enjoyment. He huffed at the old man's comment. "Knights never waste a kill." he said proudly and gulped down the meat. He coughed a little, the meat wasn't so good for him after all. "It's precisely why I'll make a great lord to Niedamirs vassal state. A great knight must lead by example. For-" Everyone knew what he was about to say so Téa spoke it out loud before he could: "Kingdom and glory. We know." she said and got a few snorts in return. "My subjects will be the luckiest serfs in all the lands. Especially with the beautiful Yennefer as my mage." He said slower this time, giving Yennefer a loving gaze. "I cannot wait to serve you, My Lord." She answered and no one was in the mood for two love birds to bill and coo so they were all rather annoyed by the two of them, except for Jaskier; he was writing everything down for a new ballad. 

"How would you like to serve me tonight... Witches?" A man mumbled in Evelyn's direction, also meaning Yennefer, but he looked at the female Witcher, as he reached for the meat. "Careful, Boholt." Geralt warned the man because of the way he spoke to his fiancée. Geralt enjoyed the thought of calling her his fiancée but would enjoy it more if he could finally call her his wife. The man grunted and straightened his back, holding a piece of what seemed to be part of the leg of the Hirikka. "So, the Witcher wants to play knight, too, hm?" The man said looking at Geralt, starting to get the flesh from the bone. "No." Geralt said even if he in fact was a knight... technically; practically not so much. "She's plenty able of murdering you herself." at that comment Boholt chuckled with a cough in between. 

"What's so amusing, you overgrown cock hair?" a dwarf hissed, the Reavers and the dwarfs didn't get along well, as you could see. "I'm just wondering who I will kill first. The monster, or the monster hunter." Boholt said looking at Geralt again who just grunted. Boholt threw the bone along with its flesh at Yarpen before he left the fire and everyone around it. 

Sir Eyck's stomach started rumbling and making other weird noises. The man himself started sighing and gulping hardly. "Oh, dear." Everyone's eyes were on the knight who now stood up. "Um... I'm afraid I must take my leave." He excused himself, barely being able to stand without his legs shaking. He even had to stand with his knees slightly bent because of the flesh of the Hirikka in his guts. "Lady Yennefer, may I escort you to your tent?" he asked the mage with a trembling voice. "Will you be joining me?" she asked him, looking up at the standing man. "Uh... My Lady, I would-" his grumbling stomach interrupted him. "I'd never degrade your honour in such way." he said and Jaskier had to snort. "I hate to break it to you, but that ship has sailed, wrecked and sunk to the bottom of the ocean." Jaskier said and Evelyn had to snort, also she hit him slightly on his upper arm. "Ow."

Sir Eyck's stomach was not only grumbling anymore but he started to fart what would mean that he couldn't hold it any longer. He bent over a little and quickly rushed off from the place with the charming words: 'I need a shit.' That made few people laugh silently, like Jaskier and Evelyn. Geralt gave Evelyn a quick glance who then immediately stopped. "Sorry." she mumbled in an amused tone. 

"So, shall we tell the poor bastard that he's vying for a vassal state that won't exist in a decade?" Yarpen asked into the round after Eyck left. "States rise and fall like the tide. Nothing new." Geralt said to that, he was around a hundred years old he saw many states and many kings as well. "This is fucking new! The rightful son of Nilfgaard has returned, burning through the south." Yarpen kept explaining, spitting between his words here and there. "With Fringilla as his mage." Yennefer interrupted and she chuckled. "Nilfgaard's a joke." she added. "I saw it with my own eyes down in Ebbing." The dwarf began another example for Nilfgaards attack. "Those zealot freaks are inching closer by the day. Won't be long till they try and take Sodden. Next, it'll be Temeria. Redania. Cintra." he started enumerating states that will fall to Nilfgaard. "No. Queen Calanthe would die before letting them take what's hers." Jaskier stopped the enumeration because Cintra wouldn't fall; in his opinion. "Perhaps if Nilfgaards religious zeal had been tempered earlier by a stronger hand..." Borch added while inspecting a pine cone.

"If, you'll excuse me." Yennefer said and stood up from her seat. "I must get my beauty sleep." she said while walking off. Yarpen stood up as well. "I don't think it'll make me prettier, but I need sleep too." he said and left along with his whole team. Leaving only Borch with his companions and Geralt with his. 

"So... we're all about to have new evil overlords, and dragons are, in fact, a thing. Good day all around." The bard said making Véa laugh a little. "Oh, you've all seen a dragon before, have you? Geralt, will you please tell them?" Jaskier said looking pleadingly at Geralt. "Their numbers are dwindling." said Witcher told them. "Treasure seekers saw to that. But they do exist." He added looking at Jaskier who thought they didn't. 

"What people call 'green dragons', like the one we have here, they're the most common. Red dragons, less so. Black dragons are the rarest." Geralt explained the dragons to the rest because he thought no one knew such information here, except Evelyn. "Gold dragons are rarest." Borch corrected the Witcher. "Gold dragons are a myth. For a gold dragon to exist, it would have to be the result of... an accidental, unique mutation. And in my experience... You're lucky if you survive these." Geralt said and looked down at Evelyn by his side since her mutations are such as told. "Doesn't matter. Myth or mutation... gold dragons met the same fate as anything too different to endure. They died out." Geralt said realizing that his species will face the same fate.

"There are other ways of enduring. If it's legacy you're after, perhaps you should take the overgrown cock hairs advice and become a knight." Borch said what made Jaskier chuckle. "Sir Witcher... The White-haired of Rivia." he joked what made everyone, except for Geralt and Evelyn, laugh. "You'd make a rather shitty one, refusing to slay dragons. But probably not as shitty a one as Sir Eyck of Denesle!" he added and imitated said knight by holding a non-existing sword in the air.

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