Chapter 32 - Lovesick -

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Because of the short sleeves, the maid noticed the cut on my upper arm and asked questions about it and bandaged it. She made it seem like my whole arm was cut off. Luckily she didn't notice Geralt who stood patiently fully dressed behind the room divider and would go out of the room a few minutes after I left. We decided to not talk about the events that took place to anyone. My mother would probably kill me and then Geralt because 'I'm a princess and a princess must be with a prince'. Ugh.

To not let me escape again my mother herself watched me during the lesson, she even held the lesson. "For your dance partner I picked prince Wymer of An Skellige, whom you should know from the banquet." my mother introduced the prince who came through the door. "Princess Evelyn, I told you we would share a dance. I may even be the one who teaches you how to dance. What an honour." he bowed with a hand over his chest. My mother nudged me so I would curtsy before him and reluctantly I did. 

After the lesson which was through and through annoying to always look at that arrogant face of the prince. I shivered by this. I went with the prince to the dining hall for a drink he had offered but I doubt that there's gonna be ale or vodka or anything I like. As I assumed it, he poured two glasses of wine. I only saw how he opened the bottle then turned his back to me to pour it. Why can't he just show me so that I won't get that much of the wine? It's still alcohol yet I'm not that much of a wine drinker, I prefer booze. 

He handed me a glass filled to the half with wine and I mumbled thanks. While I had my first sip the door opened, revealing Geralt and Jaskier who were chatting. Jaskier was the first to notice us. "Evelyn! How lovely to see you again." He said loudly and spread his arms as a surprising gesture. "Jaskier, Geralt." I smiled at them and walked over to them so I could get away from prince Wymer. Geralt looked over my shoulder at the other man and furrowed his brows. "Oh, who's- who's that?" Jaskier asked me and nodded in Wymer's direction.

"If I may introduce myself." The prince said and walked next to me. "I am prince Wymer of An Skellige." He bowed and I rolled my eyes what left Geralt amused. "Right, ehm- prince Wymer it was really nice-" I could slap myself for this "but I really got to go, thanks." I said and handed him the glass of wine from which I have taken only a single sip.

We walked out of the hall or more like I dragged the two men out of it. "We can go drinking somewhere else; in there's nothing of that good stuff." I said and dragged them even further from the room. I felt weird from that wine. It's not that I got drunk but it was something different, I couldn't explain.

3rd persons pov

Prince Wymer was more than happy that his plan worked and princess Evelyn got a sip from his potion. If everything works out as he planned he would in the end become King of one of the most powerful countries on the continent. To reward himself he drank up his own glass of wine poured the rest of Evelyn's glass over a plant which began to smoke slightly. He smirked and walked back to his quarters.

In the meanwhile Evelyn, Jaskier and Geralt were on their way to the kitchen where they would look for booze or anything else drinkable. Evelyn felt quite dizzy and didn't even know quite where she was or what she was doing. "Are you alright?" Jaskier asked his friend who just held her head as everything went in circles. They found a bottle of pepper vodka which everyone drank from. Evelyn had to miss the second turn because it only got her current situation worse.

"I need to go but feel free to drink all that stuff." she tried to smile at them while she held one of her hands on her temple the other one on the wall to steady herself. Geralt wanted to get up and help her but she shook her head and ordered him, via hand gestures, to sit down and stay. She walked with an aching head through the corridor and tried to find her room.

"Princess Evelyn." Prince Wymer found her and looked shocked at her but it wasn't real. She looked at him and another wave of pain went through her head, so he embraced her that she would calm down. She went limp and her eyes dull. "Evelyn?" he asked her in a soft voice and then she blinked, her eyes turning pink. "Prince Wymer!" she exclaimed happily and clapped her hands. "It's great to see you!" she was more than happy to see him or so the potion let her think. Through her behaviour and her colour of eyes, he could see that the potion worked.

She refused to leave his side and giggled the whole time like a lovesick one. In conclusion, they spent the whole day together and her friends were nowhere to be seen that day. She didn't even bother to care about them, all she cared, for now, was prince Wymer. 

"Are you gonna stay to inherit the throne?" he asked her who clung to his left arm and walked with him like this through the garden. She nodded eagerly and smiled at him which he returned but more in an evil way but she was so much under his spell that she didn't even notice. "Then you must marry soon, huh?" he asked and her smile grew and nodded eagerly another time. So much unlike her.

The prince took away his arm what caused Evelyn to pout and wanting to go back but he refused. "Then may I be so bold?" he asked more himself than the woman in front of him. He took her hand and got down on one knee. "Then will you do the honour of marrying me?" he asked and she gasped in shock but smiled widely. She didn't had to think a lot about it. "Yes!"

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