Chapter 45 - Preparation bath -

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Geralt got a nice bath in a room at the inn. Jaskier put water over Geralt's head to get the guts out of his beautiful white hair. He grunted at that. Geralt, Geralt... I shook my head in amusement. "Now, now, stop your boorish grunts of protest." Jaskier again agreed with me, still him not knowing. "It is one night bodyguarding your very best friend in the whole wide world. If you count it as a male best friend. How hard could it be?" he got another bucket of water over Geralt.

He dried his hands with a towel nearby. "I'm not your friend, she's your friend." Geralt grunted and nodded at me. "Oh, oh, really? Oh, you usually just let strangers rub chamomile onto your lovely bottom?" I snorted at that still I watched every of Geralt's moves as he was washing himself. Geralt looked at Jaskier with an annoyed look on his face.

"Yeah, well, yeah, exactly. That's what I thought." he mumbled. "Every lord, knight and two penny king worth his salt will be at this betrothal." he went over to another shelf where he looked for something. Geralt looked over me, seeking help but I shrugged smirking at him. "The lioness of Cintra herself will sing the praises of Jaskiers triumphant performance!" he said the last part louder and threw some bathing salt into the tub. Geralt looked even more annoyed and now slightly angry at him.

"How many of these lords want to kill you?" he asked and I think he himself thinks of killing him right now but he knows he's my best friend so he wouldn't dare. "Hard to say. One stops keeping count after a while." Oh my god, what? Don't tell me, Jaskier, you slept with all of their women, yet that would be a typical Jaskier.

"Wives, concubines, mothers sometimes." Ew... Jaskier hung up a towel near the tub for Geralt later. "Ooh, yeah, that face!" he sat down next to the tub and framed his face. "Scary face." he talked to himself more than to Geralt. I stayed silent and just watched. "No lord in his right mind will come close if you're standing next to me with a puss like that." Geralt grabbed a cup from the ground. 

Before he could drink out of it, Jaskier took it out of his hands. "Ooh, on second thoughts... might want to lay off the Cintran ale." Geralt groaned at the bard for taking his drink away. Jaskier patted his shoulder and stood up to put the cup out of his reach. "A clear head would be best." He explained why he took it away. "I will not suffer tonight sober just because you hid your sausage in the wrong royal pantry." I snorted again.

Jaskier was slightly offended by his words but shrugged it off. "I'm not killing anyone. Not over the petty squabbles of men." Jaskier didn't even really listened to what he has said. "Yes, yes, yes." He gave me a questioning look if I would but I shook my head. I agree with Geralt. 

"You guys never get involved. Except you actually do, all of the time." Jaskier said rolling his eyes and washing his hands, again. "Is this what happens when you get old? You get unbearably crotchety and cantankerous? Actually, I've always wanted to know, do Witchers ever retire?" he asked even tho he knew that some do because he knew my father. "Yeah. When they slow and get killed." Geralt answered because that was the usual case.

"Come on, you must want something for yourself once all this... monster hunting nonsense is over with. Actually, Eve, why do you do all of this, I mean.." he huffed. "Jaskier, if you're good at something why not make it your profession?" I asked him. "But come on." He insisted. "I want nothing more. I got everything I need." Geralt stated and looked, still annoyed, at Jaskier. 

Jaskier checked his nails and had the other hand on his hip. "Well, who knows?" he smiled slightly at him. "Maybe someone out there will want you." he said and leaned on the edge of the tub. "The last thing I want is somebody wanting me." he repeated the words he told me in Lyria. "And yet... here we are." Jaskier said and it sounded like he was deeply in love with him and was trying to say that the someone wanting him was Jaskier.

Geralt grunted and looked around. "Where the fuck are my clothes, Jaskier?" he asked the bard. "Ah. Well, uh, they were sort of covered in selkiemore guts, so I sent them away to be washed." he explained and avoided Geralt's glare of death. "Anyway, you're not going tonight as a Witcher, neither are you, Eve." He pointed at me. 

Geralt's face looked like he was about to explode any moment and Jaskier couldn't help but smirk at this. "Eh, well. I dared to pick out the clothing for you." Geralt groaned. He knew what clothing he had to wear at the banquet in Lyria, so he was afraid of what would come this time. I hope he didn't pick a dress that was too revealing or too tight.

"Evelyn, this is for you. Hope you, uh, like it." he weirdly smiled at me. I looked at the dress and I wanted to hit him, as soon as I saw the corset, even if it seemed to be worn under the dress. It was a black one with grey accents in the middle of the arms and from the breasts to the waist. At the hips would be a white cordon that reached down to the ankles. Along with the dress Jaskier picked out some simple black pumps for me to wear and I felt like being a princess again. The whole outfit was picked for me.

I dealt with it and put on a little bit of make-up and Jaskier even asked me to put on my crown but I refused to, it wouldn't really fit at a banquet where I would not be as a princess

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I dealt with it and put on a little bit of make-up and Jaskier even asked me to put on my crown but I refused to, it wouldn't really fit at a banquet where I would not be as a princess.

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