Chapter 41 - Basement -

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A month has passed and training got harder and harder especially since we had the first snow. It came a week ago and I really enjoyed it. Geralt and I watched the snow falling on the other side of the window. We were in his room and I noticed that it began snowing. Even if winter was tough and cold it looked beautiful when everything was covered in snow. As long as I have a nice fire in the chimney and a warm blanket or a warm chest I can snuggle into I'm alright with the winter.

"Do you think I'll be getting my medallion soon?" I asked Geralt who was currently behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on top of mine. We stood in front of the window like every morning to see how much snow had fallen. "You're doing pretty good, so I guess, yes." he said and gave me a kiss on top of my head. He was a very caring and sweet lover and I tried my best to return it. It's my first real relationship but for him, I guess not.

"Remember when Eskel told us about Toussaint?" He nodded. "How about we visit this place sometime, huh?" I asked but received no answer. I turned in his arms and looked at his frowning face at what I tilted my head. "I thought you don't like wine?" He snorted but I shook my head. "That wine my 'parents' had in that castle was terrible. Maybe in a country where they know how to do it, it's better." I explained myself at what he nodded.

After breakfast, I decided to roam around the fortress since I never had the opportunity to do so. Of course, Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel and Geralt didn't know anything about that because otherwise they would only lead me through the rooms, say something about it real quick and leave some out. I want to know everything about this building that includes every room. 

What would be the most interesting part in here? Probably the basement. It was even cooler in the hall of the basement but who would be surprised? I wasn't. There were two doors. I opened the first one and it was just a small room with food to store it. In here it would last longer than in the kitchen. The second one was locked. I bet there's something important behind it. And if I mean important then I wanna know. I guess there won't be a key or so to unlock it so I tried to kick it open so it would break. It didn't work. 

I looked around the little storage room where the food was to find something heavy and solid with what I could break down the door. A frying pan could work. I nodded at myself and with all the strength I got I slammed the pan at the door. One of the small planks broke and allowed me to put my arm through it and grab the doorknob. As I expected, the door's only locked from the outside.

I opened the door and a room that looked like a laboratory was behind it. Many books with much dust covering them. Some shelves with even more books and even more dust, in the back of the room was a pillar with a broken glass ball in the middle of it. One thing caught my eye. It was a tall locker like thing. It had a door that was wide open and some spider webs connecting it to the wall. I looked inside because I saw something shining in it from the light of the candle from the hallway. 

I put one strand of hair behind my ear so I could see better when I bend down to examine the weird thing.. or machine or whatever it was. I stumbled and yelped as a mouse ran over my foot. My stumbling caused a pile of books on top of the locker to fall down, right on my head. Because of that, I went headfirst into the weird thing and the door closed. I banged against the door to open again but I was stuck. Fuck! I shouted for help but there wouldn't be anyone down in the basement.

I felt a sting in my left arm and hissed. The locker made noises just like the gears in the smithy of my father. So it really was a machine but what for? There was another pain and then some kind of gas got pumped into it. I coughed and felt dizzy. I looked down at my arm from which the pain came from and saw a needle being rammed into it. My eyes rolled back as if I was extremely tired. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw because of the pain which got more, by the way. At a certain point, I passed out.

3rd person pov

Evelyn could consider herself lucky to pass out. It was a very painful process that wasn't supposed to be done anymore. The basement was locked for a reason. A reason that would save many peoples lives and several children would be spared in enduring this process. Never mind the chemicals are ought to be expired long ago and for no usage anymore. Even though it was always just tried out on boys, never a girl. Girls are ought to be weaker so there was no chance any of those girls would have survived the procedure. 

Lambert heard Evelyns shouting from the basement and started looking for her since she was calling for help when it then suddenly stopped. He didn't know what was on the other side of that door. Even if he himself was in there as a young boy he has no memories of it. He looked around the empty and dusty room. He didn't saw Evelyn but thanks to the enhanced senses, a Witcher has, he could try to find her by her smell. Didn't work. The gas inside the locker covered it but he checked the locker either way since that was a smell he already noticed in the hall. 

He tried to open the door and barely managed that. Out of the locker fell a limp Evelyn. She stood straight in there but as soon as the door opened she just fell. Lambert caught her, otherwise, she would have kissed the floor. Her eyes were closed and there was almost no sign of vitality in her.

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