Chapter 6 - Goodbye Jaskier -

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Evelyn's pov

"What's gotten into you, you could have been killed?!" My father yelled at me. We were in our house, in my room. He took care of my wounds which were more like washing the bruises and wrapping a bandage around my thigh at the lower part towards my knee. Jaskier was here too. Sitting at the table on which laid his lute, he overflew the book with his eyes.

I didn't respond to anything my father told me. I know, he was worried and all but I don't need a lecture now. "I know, father. I'm sorry." I answered to stop him so he could rest as well on what he just sighed. He stood up from my bed. "I'll get going then. Jaskier, don't make a move on my daughter." he warned him and pointed towards him. The bard was rather intimidated but then nodded. "Yes- yes, of course not, Sir." he answered politely and so my father left. 

Said man got up and looked outside the window. "Eve. I'm gonna leave town for a few weeks... or months, I don't know yet." he mumbled the last part. I was rather shocked. "Wait- what?" I tried to get up but my leg still hurts so I was sitting on the edge of my bed. "I'm going with Geralt. I'll be the bard that brightens- that brightens up his image. The bard who- who spreads the heroic tales of The White Wolf - Geralt of Rivia." He smiled and made a gesture in front of his face as he was projecting a picture in his head of how his journey will turn out.

I simply sighed. "But come back. How am I gonna stand all those idiots in town." I chuckled. I'm gonna miss this dumbass. "Then I'll better be going." he said, took his lute, and wanted to leave but I stopped him. I wanted to say goodbye properly, so I asked him if he could help me walk downstairs and so he did.

"See you, Eve." he said rather dramatically. "Don't die, Jaskier." I laughed and gave him a hug which he returned. Afterward, he took his leave as I waved him goodbye. Even my father said his goodbyes. 


A week has already passed and my wounds were almost completely healed. Anyway, there still was no sign of Jaskier returning any time soon, so I just got along with going to the market alone and spending the rest of the day helping my father selling swords and other weapons but also tools for daily use. Thinking about it, I really had a boring life. It was a safe one, but boring. I felt like a simple housewife, just without a husband. 

Today I came across a dark-haired man. He helped me, getting my baskets full of stuff I bought at the market, home. Usually, I don't need help but this time there were so many things I wanted to buy that it was simply too much for me to carry on my own. The things somehow reminded me of Jaskier and I thought of some that he'd like to have when he comes back. He was a nice young man with a charming attitude. I must admit that he's one of the lesser people who are not straight assholes to any stranger even though I've been living here all my life which means I'm not a stranger in that way.

He had a small chat with my father and he liked him from the very beginning. He even asked him to stay for dinner so he could thank him for helping me. He kindly refused, he has an ill mother at home who he takes care of. His two other brothers left two years ago - they wanted to sail. To be exact towards Skellige. 

Now my father and I are sitting at the table eating fish and vegetables for dinner. "You know that he's a good match." my father spoke. "What do you mean?" I questioned as I took a rather small bite on a carrot. "You know, he's a kind man and you're still not married." he explained himself. I almost choked. "What do you mean - that I should marry him?!" I asked surprised. "You could consider it. Get to know each other. Don't rush things but give it a try, how about it?" my father asked but I heard in his voice that he put no force in his question meaning that it is alright if I decline.

I sighed and shrugged. "You're right. He's worth a try." I said and rolled my eyes a little. "I'm glad that you think so. Now let's eat up; it's getting late." Thus I quickly finished my food and walked upstairs towards my room. Stairs were still a challenge for me. Through the tension of my muscles in my thigh the movement was painful. "Goodnight, father." I said as I started walking upstairs. "Goodnight, sweety."

So I'm giving this man a chance but I don't even know his name or his age. All I know is how he looks like and that he's a kind and charming man that helped me out when no other did. I should ask him tomorrow if I get to meet him again at the market. I think it is a good start if we become friends at first and not start straight of that marriage could be considered. Yeah, I think that's good. I sighed. Is that the life I want to have? Become a housewife and stay in this village forever, see nothing else but this? I quickly changed into my nightgown and blew out the candles.

In the morning I had my usual routine which was that I quickly got dressed, did my hair, and went down to either wake father or directly going to the baker, getting some fresh buns for breakfast. Downstairs I already heard iron smashing onto iron what meant that father was already awake. I greeted him quickly and got my shoes as well as my coat. With my basket I made my way towards the baker which wasn't that far away; only a short walk, taking five minutes from our house.

I got the buns in my basket and left. You'll never guess who I did meet in front of the bakery. The man from yesterday. He smiled as he recognized me and so did I. "Good morning." I greeted him as he nodded. "Good morning to you, too. Excuse my bad manners, I didn't even introduce myself yesterday. My apologies. The name's Jacob." he introduced himself. I smiled at his name. "My name's Evelyn but I assume you already know that by the chat with my father you had yesterday." I chuckled and he did as well. "Yes, I already know this beautiful name of yours." He said and I smiled, to be polite. Internally I sighed. I lifted my basket a little. "Wanna come for breakfast?" I asked and he nodded.

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