Chapter 82 - Last peaceful night -

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The two pirates ships crashed into each other, breaking one in the middle what would not really ease the problem but prevent the pirates from fleeing. Rocks being near, Teague had an idea, it was risky but worth a try. He steered his ship directly into the direction of it and commanded his sailors to throw thick ropes around one rock when in reach, they would do a dangerous manoeuvre by which they'd get out safely and the pirates would, in the best case, stay behind and ram the rocks. 

The pirates saw it too late and had no chance of getting away from there. Men were jumping from the ship into the water where they would either drown or freeze. No one could be sure if they'd survive after this event but one could be sure, the pirates were dead when a selkiemore jumped out of the water, swallowing the whole ship. Evelyn made a grimace but then shrugged again. She wouldn't want to switch places with them but who would in that situation?

The crew on Guthlaf's ships started to cheer even if they had some dead on their side. "I may proudly announce that this fight had something good in it." Teague said slowly walking down to the main deck. "During this fight, I had the honour of marrying the two Witchers." he announced while clapping in his hands once. The crew looked surprised at the now-married couple and began clapping confused. Geralt put both his hands on her cheeks sighing and leaning in for another kiss. "Evelyn of Rivia took long enough." Geralt mumbled and stressed his last name. She chuckled. "Guess we won't be having to organize all these things, huh?" he asked and she nodded. The pearl, the reason for them visiting Skellige, was now useless.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but one of those fuckers was still here. We tied him onto the mast under deck." a young boy said pointing down at the deck. "Very well." Teague said and made his way down to the prisoner, Geralt and Evelyn following him. " Oi, you bilge-sucking scurvy dog, why did ye plan this attack?" Guthlaf asked the pirate who grinned only dumb. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he said while trying to get out of all the ropes. Teague kicked him in the stomach at what the man coughed. "Alright, alright. Who else is gonna tell the story then..." he whispered to himself. "I know, so we should do it, right?" he asked himself again, this man was crazy. "Alright, alright. Nilfgaard sent us. They pay well for slaughtering some people from the northern part of the continent." he shrugged and Geralt and Evelyn gritted their teeth. "What did Nilfgaard want?" Evelyn asked kneeling down to the pirate grabbing his collar. "Attacking... so nobody would expect it, from the north. We would keep Redania busy while Nilfgaard starts in Cintra." he explained and she let go of the man. "Cintra. Geralt we gotta-" before she could finish her sentence he nodded. "I know."

The course was now to get to the nearest harbour which was back in Oxenfurt. From there they would hurry to get to Cintra on their horses, making almost no stops. Before Nilfgaard attacks they had to get to claim their child surprise. They had to make sure, it was safe. The child should be thirteen years by now. All this time she was safe, no attacks by other states but now that Nilfgaards standing in front of the door no one could guarantee that the child would stay safe or even alive. The child was their destiny even if they didn't quite believe in it, they felt responsible for it. 

As they arrived in Oxenfurt they had to stay for the night, as the sun began to set. Not being able to do anything, they thought that they could at least enjoy the last peaceful night together. Upstairs they walked to the room they had. Before Evelyn could open the door, Geralt smirked and picked her up bridal style. "Evelyn of Rivia, as tradition claims it, I have to carry you over the threshold." he said what made her chuckle. Inside their room, he placed her down gently on her feet. "Wasn't the wedding I prom-" Geralt started to apologize but Evelyn shook her head putter her index finger on his lips. "It was perfect. I could finally marry you and do what I love at the same time; killing monsters." she said and placed a soft kiss on her husband's lips. She grinned into the kiss at the thought of Geralt now being her husband.

She took off her ring at what Geralt frowned. She put the jewellery on the ring finger on her right hand and then smiled at it. "Now it belongs here." she simply stated and placed another kiss on his lips. Geralt broke it and walked over towards the door. "Where are you going?" she asked confused and pouted slightly. "Nowhere, and so are you." he said grinning while he locked the door to the room. "Oh, I see." she said and bit her lip. Geralt walked back to his wife taking very slow steps because of which Evelyn threw herself at him, her hand on his neck and shoulder. Geralt grabbed her waist tightly and leaned in for a kiss.

She ruffled his hair as the kiss got more heated so that small moans escaped the woman's mouth. She pressed herself closer to Geralt breaking the kiss, gasping for air, a small string of saliva still connecting their lips. They looked each other in the eyes, lust-filled. Slowly Geralt began to open the few bottoms on Evelyn's blouse, she watched every move of him, enjoying his touch when it brushed her skin. The blouse was thrown across the room, just like every other piece of clothing. As he held her close again, after the unnecessary clothing was thrown across the room, they shared another passionate kiss with Geralt now picking her up by what she wrapped her legs around the other Witchers waist.

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