biker girls & diner boys pt.5

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It feels weird, but then again, I don't know what I was expecting when I decided to wear the same style outfit a townie girl parades around in. Not that there's much of a choice in the matter. Things have only gotten worse since the dance, and if I want to find a place in Peter's world, I need to start dressing like I belong there.

Still, I miss my leather jacket and bold lipstick.

No, don't miss it. This is the logical next step for us. People look at me and see a screw-up and start to wonder how many times I've been arrested. If I'm ever going to change that, maybe that means changing how I look.

I groan as I check my watch. Late—again.

The hallways are starting to empty as I rush inside. No one pays any attention to me, which I'm thankful. Most of them are either too busy rushing to class or naturally assume I'm one of their townie friends. It makes me feel a little ridiculous.

Although, the feeling of stupidity dissipates when I see Peter waiting for me by my locker. His hair is slicked back, leather jacket, and worn jeans that together make him look like a greaser. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't kind of cute, even if I've never liked the look.

He glances up as I approach a tentative smile on his lips. It drops when he sees my appearance. It's quiet. The halls are empty with only Peter and I left behind, and both of us are too shocked to say anything yet.

"Well, this is—unexpected?" I mumble and fiddle with the sleeves of my white cardigan.

Peter's laugh fills the air and makes me smile as he nods. "Yeah, it is." He watches me with that peculiar look I can't figure out. "I know why I did, but why did you do it?"

"You know why." I reply and stare down at my sneakers. "I don't want people to look at me like I'm less anymore or that I'm just a bad influence on you. Especially with the September Foundation stuff coming up, I figured now was the time to start changing that."

"You mean changing who you are?"

"Say the guy who did the same thing."

"I know, but I—I thought that maybe if I looked the part, people would ease up about us. You know, the greasers could see me as one of their own, you wouldn't have to feel like people were staring or judging you anymore, and we could just be us." He shakes his head. "Now I just feel ridiculous."

"Honestly, I've felt ridiculous since I put this outfit on."

Peter's face twists together in sadness. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Letting you—either of us—think for even a second that we needed to change who we are for each other. It's kind of old-fashioned, ya know? One person changing to be with the other."

"I wasn't changing just to be with you, and we both know that. Pete, no one looks at me and sees someone to give a chance to. They only see what I look like without bothering to know who I am and what I can do. I love you, but how am I supposed to get into a good college or get the September Foundation's scholarship if I don't look like this?"

"You prove them wrong." Peter's hand lifts my chin until we're looking at each other. "Anyone who has a shred of intelligence will see you. Not your appearance, but the amazing person that I fell in love with. Please, don't change who are to appease small-minded people. Prove them wrong by being exactly who you are."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you'll keep trying, and I'll be by your side the whole time. Okay?"

I smile, knowing he has a point. He always does. My hand wraps around his as a small smile appears on my face. "Okay." Peter grins and leans forward for a kiss, which makes me let out a laugh that echoes through the empty hallway. My hand moves to his hair, but quickly retracts when I feel the grease he put in it. I pull away with a small frown. "C'mon, let's get this grease out of your hair and get us looking like our normal selves."

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