rules of heartbreak pt.1 {t.h.}

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Tom Holland (heartbreaker) AU?

The usual clamor of our crowded lunch table fills my ears and makes me smile. My cousin, Harrison, is waving his hands around as he recounts a story from last summer. It's a stupid story, but like always when Harrison recounts an event, we all listen with rapt attention.

Our laughter echoes as he finishes, but mine fades out before the rest as an arm drapes over my shoulders. I shove it off and send a glare to the smirking boy beside me—Tom Holland, one of two resident heartbreakers. Myself being the unwilling other. "Not today, Holland."

He sticks out his bottom lip in a childish pout. I can feel him drawing the attention of nearly every girl in the room until they're watching us and wishing to be the one on the receiving end of his attention.

Oh, if only they knew the pain that comes with caring for people like us. "We've gone over this. That face doesn't work on me, babe. If you want me so badly," I drop my voice to a whisper and lean dangerously close to him with a devious smirk, which makes his falter microscopically. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that."

Harrison chuckles and shakes his head at his best friend and I. "Yeah, Tom. I'm pretty sure my cousin isn't gonna fall for your typical act so easily."

F/N perks up at the new topic and props her chin on her palm as she looks between the two of us. She's always told me that she thinks we would make a cute couple, but I refuse to believe it. Even if she is one of the rare girls immune to Tom's act. "I don't know, Haz. Tom has a certain charm. Plus, I think they would be so adorable together."

Mark, one of my oldest friends—and more recently 'ex,' but on good terms—just shakes his head. "Meh. Y/N's a hard one to win over, and even harder to keep since she knows what she wants. I think you just want to see our heartbreakers together, F/N."

She smiles and shrugs in reply, "Well—it would be cute. The two finding love in each other—"

I immediately cut her off before she can get out another syllable. "Woah. Hold up. First, we're literally right here. Second, what makes you think I'd fall in love at all—much less with him? I mean, did you forget that everyone calls me a 'heartbreaker' because I haven't felt that way about anyone." Which isn't a complete lie, I have nearly felt that way. Still, I've had my heart broken and determined to find exactly who and what I deserved before I let that happen again.

"Yet." F/N adds on with a grin.

O/F/N joins her side as they continue, "If you're so certain, why don't we do an experiment of sorts?" Everyone's attention snaps to them, wondering what they could possibly mean. "We'll make a sort of bet out of it. You and Tom 'date' for a while, like normal couples. Good morning and goodnight texts, spending free time together, holding hands, real dates, and the whole works. Then, whoever falls first loses."

I start to protest, but Tom cuts in. "I'm in. It sounds fun, and I'd love to get the chance to make the Y/N L/N fall for me." He winks at me, and I can only manage a scoff and eye roll. "What, you scared of losing?"

"No, I'm just not willing to waste my time on a pointless game." I retort with a snap and cross my arms. Although, the look of victory on Tom's face makes my blood boil and say, "Plus, we all know Tom would be falling at my feet in no time. It's how it always goes."

"What if we put money on it?" F/N chips in looking more excited than I've seen her since the last house party. "I'll chip in fifty."

I bite my lip and look worriedly at Harrison as the rest of the group each adds money into the prospective pool. It tallies up to a couple hundred, mostly because they want to see how this will play out. Although, none of them know how badly I could use that money.

Harrison just shakes his head ever so slightly. He knows exactly what it would mean if I lost this bet. It would mean I wind up with a broken heart and still stuck in the same situation I am now. But those couple hundred bucks could make a difference, and we both know it.

I watch as he glares at his best friend for a split second before giving me an almost imperceptible nod. My stomach knots in worry and anticipation for what's about to happen. "Fine, but we write the rules. If I'm doing this it's between us, and you guys will get general updates." Everyone seems fine with the idea, and I dare to look over at Tom to find him grinning like a Chesire cat. "Don't be so smug, Holland. The game is just beginning."


"Rule 1: no sex. You're definitely not making me on of your conquests, Holland. I'm not that kind of girl." I sigh as I write down the phrase on the piece of notebook paper.

"Fine by me. I have other ways of making you love me." He grins and leans closer to me. "Rule 2: we have to act like a real couple. Call each other pet names, boyfriend, girlfriend, hold hands, and all that jazz."

"Rule 3: we stay exclusive for the entirety of the game." I smirk at him, knowing he is likely flirting with at least three girls right now. "And if you break this rule, you automatically lose."

"What if girls flirt with me?" He questions and rests his head on his hand.

"Tell them you have a girlfriend, and walk away if you have to." I lean forward. "Oh, and Rule 4: no kissing either. It will be more fun that way."

"You sure about that, darling? I've been told I'm a hell of a kisser." He taunts as he scoots closer on the already cramped picnic bench.

"Those girls would tell you anything you wanted to hear." I chuckle. "But if you want to make it more interesting. You can have one kiss now, and the next time one of us kisses the other, it signals the end of the game. So you have to save it for when you've fallen for me."

"Is that so?" He questions as he inches closer. "Well, I'm not one to turn down a kiss from a gorgeous girl."

I shake my head at him and lean in until our lips are millimeters apart, my breath fanning over his lips. "Of course, you wouldn't." I tease as my lips barely brush over his. He ever so slightly tenses at the action, and I repeat the movement to tempt him to break first and close the gap.

His whiskey brown eyes bore into mine as he fights off the temptation to break. I just smile back at him as I rest my hand over his. Every small touch makes both of us a little more uncertain, anxious, and excited about what's to come.

Tom keeps glancing between my eyes and my lips, and I can't help but finally take notice of the freckles that faintly dot his cheeks and the way his nose is slightly crooked from all the times he's broken it. For a second, I think I can see why all the girls fawn over him. He has this undeniable boyish charm to his features when you really look.

But I don't get a chance to think much of it before he finally breaks and pulls me closer by the waist to press his lips against mine. It only feels a little different from the other kisses I've had. Nothing too special, but certainly different. I decide to play it up and move my hands to his hair and gently tug at the curls.

A cute, soft groan escapes him at the action, and I swear he keeps pushing more into the kiss. It's honestly quite adorable, and for a second I think this bet might be easier than I thought. Unless, this is all part of his game. Either way, I'm keeping my guard up around him.

He swipes at my bottom lip as if to ask permission, but I ignore it and tug at his hair one last time before pulling away. And maybe I'm just hearing things, but I thought I heard a small sigh from him at the loss of contact. "Well," I say as I return to my notebook as if nothing happened, "it certainly wasn't the worst kiss I've had."

"Just admit it, darling. That was the best kiss you've ever had. There's no need to be shy." Tom jokes as he scoots even closer to me on the bench so that the entirety of our sides are pressed together.

"Actually, it wasn't." I tell him honestly. "But feel free to admit that it was yours." He just sighs and shakes his head, clearly already frustrated with my sass like always. I have to bite back a chuckle, because as miserable and silly this game my be, it might just end up being fun.

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