your whatever pt.1 {t.h.}

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Requested by: @mrs_parker3696 — I hope you don't mind that I decided to make it a series!

"Hey, Haz." I call as I enter his apartment for movie night. It's become a tradition since we first became friends after we met during a photoshoot three years ago. Since then, whenever one of us needed some time to unwind and just hang out, we have movie night, and I could really use one right now.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long." He says and quickly grabs the pizza boxes from my arms. His eyes narrow as he looks me over. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, and no." I reply with a shrug, "I got a call from Nate. The role if officially mine if I want it. Not that I have a choice since the offers aren't exactly pouring in."

"Maybe this movie will change things for you." Harrison nudges my shoulder with that stupidly contagious smile. "Can you tell me what it's about?"

"You're talking to your wrong best friend, Haz. I'm not the one who spoils everything." I laugh and take a bite of pizza. "What's one of the roles I've always wanted to play?"

"Let me see, you're already a character in Marvel, you did that fantasy movie you were wanting last year, which only leaves a gender-bent Sherlock?"

"It's Sherlock's daughter, which is close enough." I say with a grin. "I swear, even if things were going great, I'd take this role in a heartbeat. It's one of my dream roles."

"Then let's forget about the crappy stuff, and celebrate by eating all the junk food in the flat. C'mon, I'll even let you pick the movie."

I pretend to think about it for a second. "Fine, but two conditions. One: don't give me that sad look every time my phone buzzes. Two: you don't bring him up."

Harrison lets out a heavy sigh and slings an arm over my shoulder. "Fine, but you know it's better if you talk about it eventually."

"Maybe, but not tonight." I retort, grabbing the pizza boxes and settling on the couch for the movie.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a twinge of panic every time my phone buzzes. It's been months since I turned off notifications for all forms of social media, and even though I know Uncle Nate promised me the role was mine, I'm still terrified the shreds I call my current reputation is going to ruin everything.

So when my phone buzzes, I swear this is it. Especially when I see that it's from Nate. "What up?" Haz asks, leaning forward in concern.

I let out a sigh of relief as I read the message. "Nothing major. It looks like Nate booked me a flight for tomorrow morning. He wants me to join him for some meetings with some of the other key players about the movie, which is code for 'be really nice and show you're not nightmare everyone thinks you are.'"

"Y/N," Harrison whispers, and I know he feels bad about everything that happened. Not that it was his fault.

"Don't worry, Haz. Everything's going to be fine. I just need to avoid any association with you know who until it clears up." I shrug and turn the movie back on like nothing's wrong.

It takes a little while for Haz to ease up and start cracking jokes with me, but once we do, things finally start to feel a little normal, which I'm immensely thankful for. I needed this right about now.

By the time the movies over, we've long forgotten about it, finished the entire pizza, and caught up on each other's lives. I lean back into the arm of the couch with my legs draped over his lap.

Of course, it comes to a screeching halt when a knock on the door. "You expecting someone?" I question and sigh as Haz gets that guilty look on his face. "Please, tell me it's not—"

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