a siren's sorrow pt. 3

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"Y/N!" I hear a voice call over the chatter of the coffee shop's hustle and bustle. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I-I just--" Peter stutters, which causes a chuckle to pass my lips.

"I'm off in ten if you want to grab a table until then?" I question him with a smile as I start to type in his usual order.

"Yeah, yeah, that would be great." He smiles and fidgets with his fingers as he pays for his order and walks away with a glance over his shoulder. I try but miserably fail to hide my growing smile. Peter and I keep making eye contact a random moments, which sends both of us into a fluster and avoiding the other's gaze.

My coworkers find it absolutely adorable, but I ignore them as I stare down at the time, tapping my foot waiting for the clock to hit the end of my shift.

The moment it changes, I rush back to hang up my apron and punch out. There's a trembling through my fingers as I go through the motions and a pounding behind my sternum as my heart tries to beat its way from my chest.

Peter smiles as I slide into the seat across from him. The sight of it makes my head spin, thoughts muddle, and worries seem to quiet. I swear, this boy is doing something strange to me. Every time we've met up these past two weeks, I forget about all the rules and secrets. I'm able to just be me and feel normal.

My eyes trail over to the empty seat next to him, which is odd. "Is Ned not coming today?" I question, wondering why he didn't come like every other Thursday since the pair started frequenting the shop. "I wanted to invite him to my party. Well, both of you, actually." I reach into my bag and grab two copies of the invitations Lila insisted we make.

"Party?" Peter questions just before he reads over the invitations. "Wait, you're inviting us to your birthday party?"

I nervously brush my hair behind my ear as I avoid his piercing gaze. "Yeah, it is. Don't worry, it's nothing special; you don't even have to bring anything." Our eyes finally meet as I continue, "My siblings convinced me to have a party for it. They think it's a good idea to actually celebrate and spend time with my friends. So, will you consider coming?"

"Consider it?" Peter pretends to think about it before breaking out into a wide grin. "Of course, I'll come, and I'm sure Ned wouldn't miss it either."

Something about the way he says it makes my head spin, and I can't help but feel my stomach drop when I remember Ben's lecture. This party could either be the best or worst thing that could happen to me. For now, I just want to enjoy my time here.

"So, I was thinking maybe we could go for a walk? Just--just because it's a nice day, and I figured--"

"Yeah, I'd like that." I tell him with a goofy grin. It always find it so adorable when flustered. We pick up our cups and head out into the city slowly turning golden as the sun sets. "You're getting really good with your signing. I'm surprised at how quickly you pick up on it."

"Well, I've had a great teacher." I bite my lip to hold back the crazy smile threatening to take over my features. Peter seems to notice judging from the color creeping up his cheeks. "Y/N, I wanted to ask you." I turn to him with a raised eyebrow waiting for him to finish. "Would--would you like to--" His words are cut short as there's a tug on my arm that sends me stumbling into the alleyway.

Panic floods through me as the figures loom around me and Peter. The two thugs chuckle at us as they wave weapons around, telling us to empty our pockets and hand everything over. I look at Peter with fearful eyes.

The familiar rhythm swells from my bones and sways my limbs. My Song threatens to be sung with every heartbeat.

All it takes is a few twitch of my fingers before the thugs are overtaken. Their eyes glaze over, arms drop the weapons to the side, and bodies sway to the silent melody.

Peter take advantage of the moment, his sleeves lift as he extend his arm and reveal some sort of contraptions strapped to his wrist. His fingers quickly press down a button, and the thugs become covered in a white substance I've only seen one other place.

My eyes dart back and forth between the webs and Peter, and my chest pounds as he offers me his hands. "Please, just trust me for one minute; I'll explain everything."

I know I should run, but Peter's eyes hold me in place, convince me to take his hand. This is exactly the kind of thing that Ben and Lila have always warned me about. We've spent our lives on the run to keep our secret safe. Because there are people out there who want to believe we're nothing more than the monster myths have painted Sirens to be. They want us to be creatures instead of people, for us to not want normal lives.

But I trust Peter.

So I let him wrap an arm around my waist as he aims the web shooters and lifts us up off the ground. A squeak escapes my lips as I bury my head against Peter's chest. He lets out a small chuckle as we drop down on the roof of the building. We hesitantly let go of each other, and I suddenly feel cold without the contact.

"Are you--you're Spiderman." It started out as a question, but ended up a detached statement. My fingers tremble as I continue. "I should have known. My siblings always tell me that I have a tendency to fall for special people."

"You fell for me?" Peter questions with a timid, squeaky voice. I barely manage a nod as my heart shatters in my chest. Any dream I had of something with Peter is practically ruined now. He'll just think I'm another criminal to punish if he finds out everything I've done and caused.

Tears track down my face as I think about it, and Peter rushes forward to wipe them away with a soft touch. He whispers to me as I instinctively lean into the feeling of his hands. "Hey, hey, why are you crying?"

"Because I have secrets too, Peter." I reply and gently push his hand away. "And I don't think you'll look at me the same when you find out."

"What makes you so sure?" He questions as he lifts my chin so I have to meet his eyes. "I highly doubt there's anything that could make me care for you any less. You're amazing, Y/N, and I've liked you since the moment I walked into the coffee shop. Please, just trust me. You can tell me."

"It's not something I can just tell you, Peter." I bite my lip and walk over to the edge of the building. The city hustles and rumbles, completely oblivious to my plight. "If you really want to know, I'll show you at the party. For now, I should probably head home."

"Oh, of course." Peter nods, seeming extremely concerned with my suddenly dour mood. He hesitantly wraps an arm around my waist, and I wrap mine around his neck, placing my head against his neck as I savor the feeling for what could be the last time.

I can't help but smile at Peter's racing heart and rush of adrenaline as we swing the few blocks to my apartment building.

It helps me better understand why Peter must love doing this so much. There's a sense of absolute freedom. I miss it and his warmth when our feet touch the ground again.

"Goodbye, Peter Parker." The tears start up again as I kiss his cheek before heading inside and pray he won't hate me after this is all over.

Peter Parker & Tom Holland ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora