biker girls & diner boys pt.4

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"So," MJ starts as she hops onto the worktable next to me, "how's it going?"

"Well, I just finished hooking up the new battery prototype." I let out a huff and set down my screwdriver. "Question is if it's gonna work or just explode—again."

"I meant how's your no-longer-secret relationship going?"

"Oh, um," I blush and look back to where Peter and Ned are chatting, while the former is soldering together more parts. "It's going really really well. I mean, ever since we decided to no longer hide our relationship, it seems as though nearly everyone in town has decided to bombard us with their opinions and judgements. The only people who haven't are the greasers, but that's just because they still need my help to fix up their rides. I still catch them whispering about him and glaring when they think I'm not paying attention."

"They've really started to lose it since you stopped hanging around as much. Not that it's your fault, the idiots were bound to self-destruct at some point."

"It didn't used to be that way." I mumble and lean against the work bench. "I remember when Brad was planning to get his business degree and fix up his Dad's place. When Charlie was gonna get herself into Parsons so she could finally share her quirky fashion sense with others. Everyone had dreams. I just don't get why we forgot them."

"You and I both know why." She fiddles with a spare piece of wiring. "We lost the one person telling us we could. Then, with everyone else telling us we couldn't, we got trapped in the static."

"Yeah, but I'm not. We're not." The reassurance makes her crack a small smile.

"How's the battery coming?" Peter asks as his arms wrap around my waist.

"Finished the circuitry, just need to test it."

"Perfect." He smiles and presses a kiss to my temple. "We should probably call it a day. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"Me too." I sigh and lean back against him as Ned and MJ pretend not to steal glances at each other. "Not to mention, we've got that Spanish test and the dance on Friday."

"I almost forgot about that." MJ sighs as makes a subtle glance to Ned.

"You're still coming though, right?" I beg and offer her a pout. "Please, don't make me feel like a doofus in my dress."

"Will you stop saying you'll look like a doofus. I helped you pick that dress, and it's amazing."

"Then we'll find you a date and a dress too so I don't feel like sore thumb." I can feel Peter shifting behind me, which only makes me smile that he already knows what I have planned. "Ned, why don't you and MJ go together. It can be like a double date."

The two of them glance over at each other and immediately turn red when their eyes meet. "If—um—if that's what you want MJ. I'd be—I'd be really happy to take you to the dance."

I can see MJ fidgeting with the edge of her leather jacket as she tries to remain calm. "That sounds—it sounds great. You can me up at six on Friday?"

The two of them carry on as Peter and I slip away to give them space. "So," He looks at me with a raised brow as he asks, "how long have you been planning that?"

"Since I started noticing all the longing stares between them." I retort and grab his hand to pull him towards me. "Plus, it will be nice to hang out with another couple that doesn't look down on or hate us, and you can't tell me that you're not the least bit excited about our friends going out."

"Okay, yeah. It does sound pretty awesome." He muses and fiddles with my fingers. "Wanna stop by the diner before we start studying? Rosie's been bugging me about why she hasn't seen you around much."

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