locked in a cage pt.1 {p.p.}

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A/N: sorry for the long delay in sharing another imagine series, but there's been a lot of stuff going on lately. Most of which, inspired this new story. It's my own way of discussing my struggles with feeling trapped by my health and used at work. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Warning: depictions of violence (fighting), mentions of blood

The smell of sweat and blood fills the air as I shift on my feet. Major is arguing with some idiot named 'Spike,' who seems to be running tonight's show. Or, he thinks he's running it. I highly doubt someone who calls themselves something that ridiculous would be able to pull this kind of event together. "Dude, I can let a kid—much less a girl—fight. I mean, have you seen the ring?"

"She can handle herself. I assure you." Major replies in that even, calm tone that sends a chill down most people's spine. "So, you're going to let her fight."

"I'm sorry, man. I wish I could. Maybe I can put her in a warm-up fight against one of the smaller guys, but that's the best I can manage."

Major just looks over his shoulder at me and raises a brow. I clench my teeth and pick Spike up by the color of his shirt with ease. "Don't test her. You won't like what happens when you do." Major whisper, and Spike watches me, eyes full of fear as he nods his head.

"Fine. You—you can have a title fight."

"Good. Nyx, you know what to do." Major orders as I set Spike down. All I can do is nod. I learned a long time ago how this all works and refusing Major never ends well.

I shove my way to the front, right in front of the cage. The two men in the cage are tearing each other apart—almost literally. Not that it's anything new. Major always says 'the more brutal the fight, the better you get to eat, Nyx.'

It makes me miss the days of doing Hydra's dirty work or being locked in a cage. Well, I'm still living through the latter, it's just in a different way. So I just listen to what Major tells me to do until one way or another it comes to an end.

"C'mon," Major says as his hand wraps around my elbow, "you need to get ready for your fight."

I don't bother to argue. I've seen enough to know how to win against the 'reigning champ.' His footwork is sloppy, he puts too much of his weight into his punches that it throws his balance, and best of all, he's sluggish.

Major roughly lets me go as we enter a makeshift locker room. He doesn't say a word as he gives me my mask and the role of tape. I take my time to tightly wrap my hands. "And the mask." Major growls with a brow raised in challenge, "you know what will happen if you don't comply."

I level a glare at him as I place the muzzle against my face and tighten it. A quiet beep breaks through the silence as it's locked into place, which is my little reminder of what will happen if I try to remove it.

"Good. Now, go, make me proud, Nyx."

I watch him go and try to remember if there was ever anything before this—before Hydra, but I can't find anything. It's hard enough to remember the last time I talked to someone—that I didn't have to fight for basic things, my life included.

"And tonight's contender against Crusher is the small, the powerful, the terrifying, Nyx!" The makeshift announcer cheers, which I take as my cue to emerge. People throw their snacks and even a few bottles at me as I walk towards the cage amidst the boo's.

Crusher grins with yellow, chipped teeth as he looks me over. "They want me to fight a little girl, huh? Why don't you just run on home and save me the trouble?"

'Oh, this is gonna be fun.' I tell myself as he throws the first punch. All I have to do is step aside, and Crusher practically falls flat on his face.

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