locked in a cage pt.4

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I hit the mat again with a heavy thud that know is the breath out of me. The exhaustion of trying non-stop to find my trigger has drained everything out of me. Plus, it's the fifth time today, and still nothing. "What exactly is this supposed to accomplish besides pissing me off?" I ask and glare at Bucky.

"We're trying to find what they did so we can start to undo it."

"Well clearly the current approach isn't working, and as desperate as I am to be free of whatever influence it is, I'm not sure how much longer I can carry on like this."

Bucky extends a hand. "You and I both know you can if you put yourself to it, and if you're still hellbent on personally taking down Major, this is the only way. So get up. You know what you have to do."

The last sentence rings through my head. Except it's not Bucky's voice. It's Major's, who sneers as he practically spits the words in my face. For a second, everything flickers through shades of red.

I roll my shoulders and the memory off as I face Bucky against. "Fine. Let's do this." I raise my fists and wait for him to make his move, but he hesitates. "What? You got stage fright or something?" I question and nod towards the armed guards watching from every entrance.

"No, I'm just trying to figure out what else to try." His brow furrows as he stares at me. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes, but it's not like I have much of a choice." I reply with a shrug.

"Didn't you bust up your nose that day?"

"Yeah, but I don't see how that's relevant."

"Well, we're about to find out if it is." I offer him a questioning look that quickly turns to surprise as his fist quickly jabs at my nose. It sends a wave of pain radiating across my face, and when I touch my face, there's a trickle of blood pouring down.

My hand shakes as I look up at Bucky. The red slowly creeping over the entirety of my vision. I feel myself moving independently of my thoughts as I kick Bucky in the knee and then ramming mine into his nose.

He retaliates by grabbing my waist and slamming me into the mats again and attempts to pin my arms, but I plant my foot and flip. "You know better than that, Soldier."

"I really hope you can hear me, little one." He replies in Russian, "You need to shake it off. Think of who you really are and push back."

All that escapes me is a low grumble as I launch myself at him using nearly every dirty trick and move I that was ingrained in my head. I try, but I can't lessen the force of my punches or stop what's happening. The more I struggle, the brighter the haze of red clouding everything.

I feel my breath becoming rapid as the fight continues. My knuckles ache as they split from the repeated punches. I'm stuck inside my own head, and I feel as helpless as I did all the years in Hydra's control.

Something catches my arms and keeps them from moving, and there's a gentle touch that brushes against my cheek. "It's okay. Take a deep breath and come back."

The thing in my head screams and thrashes against me as I try to break through. Gentle hands hold onto my face. They encourage me to push harder. It's like walking through waste deep sludge towards a shore that keeps moving away with every step, but as suddenly as I take a single step, I'm free.

All the energy is sapped from every muscle, and I fall right into Peter's arms. "It's okay. You're alright."

"We did it, kiddo." Bucky adds with a soft, encouraging smile, "We found what your trigger is."

"Which is why you need to take me somewhere else." I manage through heaving breaths. "I have a feeling that's not the only one, and I need to be somewhere secure while we figure out what they are and how to get rid of them."

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