paper faces pt. 4

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My phone vibrates against the table, which breaks my concentration on the suit upgrade I've been working on. A goofy picture of Peter and I pops up on the screen with 'my hero.' I roll my eyes but smile as I swipe my thumb across the screen.

"Hello, you've reached Tony Stark's favorite intern. How may I help you?" I tease already picturing Peter's hurt reaction.

"Wow. I am hurt—wounded—betrayed by my own girlfriend." He complains, which makes me roll my eyes. Especially as he continues on.

"Would it help if I said I love you and am working on suit upgrades for you?" I question. There's a smile playing on my lips. He stays silent; and we both know that means I've won. "Are you still coming by today? I wanted to talk about dinner plans. My mom wants me to invite you over. In her words, she wants to 'meet the boy making her baby girl so happy.' She's been kind of upset at me for not telling her that I had a boyfriend, and now insists upon making up for lost time."

"I was actually going to let you know, I can't stop by today. It's been super busy out here. Although, I wanted to check and see when you were getting off so I can walk you home." He tells me, and I can hear a smile breaking through in his voice. "And I would love to come to dinner at your place. It'd be nice to use the front door and not be injured when I visit you for once."

The last statement gets a laugh of me. "It will be nice for a change." I glance at the clock and sigh. "Crap, I'm running late. I completely lost track of time. My mom's going to kill me if I'm late again."

"You want me to swing by and get you?"

"No, you already said it's a busy night. I'm sure there are plenty of people in Queens who need you more than I do." I smile as I cradle the phone between my ear and shoulder and gather my things. "It's one night, Pete. I'll be fine. Plus, even without the suit, I'm still Phoenix."

He sighs into the speaker, and I know he's debating whether or not to come take me home despite my protests. "Ugh. Fine. Just promise to call me when you get home?"

"Of course, Spidey." I chuckle into the phone and wave goodbye to Happy and the other workers as I leave. "Later, guys. And bye, Peter. I'll call you when I get home. Love you."

"Love you too, Y/N."

I can't help but keep mentally working on my projects and ways to help Mr. Stark keep Peter safer as I walk down the streets. The humid summer breeze blows my hair back and provides a relief from the heat.

Although, it doesn't hide the prickling feeling—like an itch on the back of neck. My stomach drops when it doesn't fade after a couple blocks and pointless turns. I recognize the feeling; it's too close to how I feel at school when I walk past the football team or mean girls.

I'm being watched. And after a glance over my shoulder, I'm being followed. Two men keep a steady pace, but it seems like they're inching closer the longer I walk.

My fingers tremble as I slip my phone from my pocket. Peter's contact lights up, and everything in me fights the urge to run while I still can. "Please, please, pick up." I quietly beg as it rings.

"Hey, babe. I'm a little bit busy right now. Can I call you back in a minute?" He asks in huffs. My heart pounds in my chest as I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a shop window and see the men approaching.

"Actually, it's a small emergency." I whisper with my best attempt to keep my voice even and light. Peter grunts on the other end, and the sound is followed by a thwip of webs and a thud. "I know I said I didn't need any help, but you know my brother, Eugene's two friends? The big burly ones that always look at me like a piece of meat and make me super uncomfortable?"

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