paper faces pt. 1 {p.p.}

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I lay back against the rooftop. The exhaustion wrapping me up with the comfort of a warm blanket on a cold day. It's been a crazy week, especially with the extra missions Tony has been sending us on. "Another successful day of patrolling." I tell my partner. "What do you say, Spidey, same time tomorrow?"

He looks over at me, the whites of his mask shrinking in mirrored movement with his eyes as he squints at me. "I don't know, Phoenix. Maybe we need a change of pace."

A laugh escapes both of us at the same time. "Nice one, bug boy, but we both know you've come to rely on me. You would barely last a day without my help." I tease as we bump shoulders. "And same with me."

"Yeah, we do make a great team." Spiderman agrees, his mask shifting from his smile. "Oh, maybe we should go get ice cream!"

"Not really feeling up to it today." I turn back and watch the bustling of the city below us.

Spiderman nudges his shoulder against mine. Apparently, he can sense my change in mood, but I can't help it. "Spill, what's bothering you?"

I turn to look at him, wondering if he'll think I'm crazy for everything I'm thinking. "We've been working together for almost a year now, yet we barely know anything real about each other."

"Mr. Stark told us it would be safer that way." He replies, and I realize he may never understand. "We should trust him. He definitely know more about this stuff than we do. Otherwise, he would have never partnered us together."

"Don't you ever wonder though?" I question as I stare at his mask, still wondering what he looks like beneath it. "Can you honestly tell me that you haven't wondered what my voice actually sounds like? What color my eyes are? Anything beyond the superhero persona?"

I watch him, searching for any clues in his body language. We've spent so many hours together that it feels like I know him, even without knowing what he looks like beneath the mask. He shifts back and forth. A sure-fire sign that he's nervous.

It's the same thing he did when we first got partnered together. He was so nervous, and I couldn't help but find it adorable. The longer we worked, fought, and patrolled with each other, the closer we became. Now, I've made the worst mistake possible–having a crush on my partner.

"I mean. Y-yeah, I've wondered." He finally replies as he stares down at his gloved hands. "Still, there's no way to change that without breaking Mr. Stark's rules."

"Not necessarily." I tell him as I turn around and lean back against the ledge, drawing out the syllables. Spiderman turns his head to me, the whites of his mask once again shrinking.

I know he's trying to figure me out when he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly. "I may or may not have come up with a fairly solid idea for how we could meet outside work without technically breaking any rules."

"Define 'technically.'" Spiderman demands, but I can hear the smile in his voice. It's the one that makes me feel like my cheeks are going to burn with literal instead of figurative fire.

"Don't worry, Spidey. I know how much you just love the rules. So, I came up with a compromise. Of course, I can't tell you the plan without knowing if you'll go running to Tony to tell on me or not."

I form and bounce a fireball between my palms to distract myself from the billowing nerves. Of course, I trust Spiderman with my life. Literally, which is saying a lot for me, even with the whole burst in flames and be pretty much fine. It's difficult for me to resign control or allow someone else to do something that I could do myself.

Spiderman tenses and spins around to face me at the comment. "I knew you were still mad about that. But if I hadn't called him you would have gotten killed in a way you couldn't return from." He shouts with his hands on his hips. "I'd never rat you out unless it was another immensely dangerous situation like that."

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