paper faces pt. 2

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Masquerade Day

All day, I kept trying not to get distracted during classes, but as usual, I failed miserably. My mind kept drifting off in a hundred directions. Most of which were wondering what will happen at the Masquerade when I finally meet Spiderman outside of patrol.

It's a moment I've been dreaming of for the past six months that I've had a crush on my superhero partner. Every time I think about him, the blood rushes to my cheeks, and I get all nervous just thinking about him.

The final bell rings, and I practically dart for the door, ignoring the calls of my friends. "Sorry, guys, I have to meet my parents soon. I'll talk to you later!" Of course, that's a total lie. I'm running off to meet up with Spidey to discuss the last minute details before tonight.

I slip into the blue and white Phoenix suit in the alleyway two blocks down from our meeting place. It slips on with ease, and I have to bite back my excitement as I ignite and skip between the roofs. "There you are, Nix." Spiderman laughs as I touch down on the roof. "Almost thought you had gotten cold feet."

"You and I both know that wouldn't happen." I smirk as I lean in close to him so we're only inches apart. "I'm too hot for that."

Spiderman mumbles something nervously and rubs the back of his neck with a gloved hand. "So, we're really doing this? Taking a night off and trying to meet each other?"

"If you're still up for it." I tell him and tilt my head. My thoughts keep wondering to what he must look like underneath it, if he's half as cute as I've imagined. "You can still say 'no.' I'd understand if you change your mind."

"N-no, I haven't changed my mind. You've got me anxious to meet you, officially." He replies, and I can tell by the way his mask stretches he's smiling. "Plus, I've already got the suit and--nevermind."

"Oh, don't do that to me, Spidey! And what?" I grin as I bounce on my feet in front of him. "C'mon, you know you can tell me."

"You'll think it's weird or cheesy." He retorts, and I can't help but laugh at the idea.

"Remember, you're talking to the girl who suggested we meet at a Masquerade ball." I nudge him with my shoulder as I continue. "You know me, I could never find you anything less than charming."

"R-really? I'm charming?" He laughs, and continues speaking as if in a daze. "Well, I had to make up a cover story for why I needed a suit, so I said I was going to a friend's high school dance. And my--well, my aunt suggested I get you a corsage."

My cheeks burn brightly beneath my mask. "A corsage? Well, I look forward to wearing it tonight." I slip my hand in my pocket and pull out the ticket. "This is yours, and while we're on the subject, we should probably figure out how to find each other."

Spiderman clears his throat, seeming to snap out of the daze as he gently takes the ticket from my slender fingers. "Right, right. Any ideas?"

"Well, I'm wearing my suit colors, but I can't guarantee I'll be the only one with that color scheme. So, maybe we just wait outside for each other and keep texting until we find the right person?"

"Yeah, that s-sounds like a plan." He returns. "Meet outside the venue at about 7?"

"I'll see you then." In a burst of confidence, I step forward and wrap my arms around him in a hug. He stiffens for just a split second before returning the gesture. We stay like that for a long moment, just content to be there. "I'm excited to meet you, Bug Boy. Just do me a favor? Don't be late." He merely nods in reply as he steps to the edge and swings off.

I have to bite back an excited giggle as I bounce on my toes. "Yes, it's actually happening." I cheer as I do my happy dance and watch Spiderman go.

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