never grow up pt.4

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Soulmates. The word rings through my head until it's spinning along with the world around me. I push myself up and pace in front of Peter, who is staring at me with worry. "This is—it's not possible. My whole life I've been told that they weren't real. They're nothing more than legend." I cry in frustration before quickly realizing the major flaw in my logic, "Then again, Neverland isn't supposed to be real either. Are you—are you sure?"

"He's sure. We're rarely wrong, and this is something we all agree on." The same pink faerie from before tells me as she spins through the air with a giggle. "You two are MFEO."

"What does that even mean?" I question and tug on my hair to avoid doing something foolish.

"That you're 'made for each other.'"

My eyes meet Peter's, and I swear my stomach fills with that warmth that I'm starting to think is love. It feels like the world that I thought I was starting to understand seems to be crumbling around me. "I-I need a minute."

Peter's and the faerie's shouts follow me as I run out of the secluded clearing in search of air. I barely manage to make it far before I fall down. A pair of strong arms wrap around my shoulders and Peter's soft voice whispers, "Breathe, just take a second and breathe."

"I'm sorry. This is just—"

"A lot to process? Trust me, I know, and you have nothing to apologize for." His voice and touch is soft, and I lean into him as I finally regain my breath and senses. Just in time apparently as Peter's head snaps up and bodies stiffens while hearing something I can't. "Come on, we've got to go."

"Why? What's wrong?" I question, but the only answer I receive is a harsh look that tells me to not ask questions just yet.

"Nothing will be if you come quietly." A burly man with sunburnt cheeks and tattered clothing taunts as he and a group of other gruff looking men appear out of seemingly nowhere. "Cap'n wants a word with you, Pan, and the lady, of course."

"As much as I'd hate to disappoint the Captain," Peter replies as he pulls me close behind him, which would make me the slightest bit annoyed if the situation weren't any different, "but I have to say no."

"Shame, cause he specifically said that ain't an answer."

"Please, tell me this is some sort of weird test." I beg Peter as I put my back to his and watch as the men form a loose circle around us. "'Cause if it is, we're gonna have to have a serious conversation about your training methods."

"I wish it was." He whispers and presses something into my palm. I look down to find the dagger he always wears on his belt resting in my grip as he continues, "Take this, you know how to use it. When you get the chance, run and get out of here. Don't worry about me, okay? Just run."

"You and I both know," I whisper as the first wave begins to launch, and I have to shout to be heard, "I can't promise that." The adrenaline hits me full force as the past weeks of training with Peter and the others comes to mind.

Except, this time it's not practice and there's more than one opponent.

This time, I fall within the first few minutes.

Tears build in my eyes as the stench of the brute fills my nose and the chill of the blade against my neck. "Look what I caught!" He shouts, which sends his rancid breath into the air and causes me to gag. "Cap'll be so pleased."

"No, because you're going to let her go." Peter snaps, clearly losing his temper as his knuckles turn white from gripping his dagger so tightly.

"Not today, Pan. Either you leave her or come with us." The original pirate teases as he circles Peter. "'Cause Cap'n said to bring her no matter what. You ain't stoppin' us—not today."

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