miss america & the heartbreak prince pt.5

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"I can't believe someone just threw this away." I tell Peter as we head back to his apartment. "It's still in near perfect condition. All I can find is a couple small scratches."

"Right? Which means, you might just have the parts you need to improve your suit, and I can take whatever's left for my computer." Peter tells me with a beaming grin. "Plus, we aced that chemistry quiz. It's a pretty good day."

"As cheesy as it is, every day is a good day with you as a boyfriend." I smile and press a quick kiss to his lips. "Plus, we'll get to celebrate our anniversary this week! Which reminds me, I have something for you."

Peter gives me an odd look as I pull a bag of gummy bears and m&m's from my backpack. There's a moment as the realization dawns on him. "Just like the day we met."

"I saw them last week when I went grocery shopping with my mom. She couldn't understand why I was getting so emotional over packages of candy." I look down at my feet as his hand finds mine. "You know, you were a hero to me, even before all of this. I mean, no one ever stood up for me or was so kind to me like you and Ned were. I'm pretty sure you saved my life."

Peter stops, which yanks me back, and he lifts my chin up so we're eye to eye. "And you've saved mine a hundred times over."

I grin and shrug. "I know. Now, c'mon, we should get back to your apartment before May starts to freak out."

"Nah, it's okay. She knows we were going to be busy after school today." Peter grins as he bumps my shoulder. "So, wanna stop and get delmar's?"

"Is it bad that I'm too excited to think about food because of the possible upgrades?" I question, and Peter just laughs in reply. "What? I've been working on these suits for over four months now. I think I've earned it."

"Yeah, you have."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because you're cute when you get excited, and I still can't believe you're my girlfriend." He presses a kiss to my temple. "Which reminds me, I have a surprise for our official anniversary."

"You know I hate surprises."

"No, you say you hate them, but I know you. Deep down, you love it when people do something nice for you without you having to spell it all out. It makes you get that really particular smile that makes everything light up. I love that smile."

"Oh, is that why you keep giving me all those little notes and cute gifts lately?" I question as it hits me. "You just wanted to make me smile?"

"I always want to make you smile." He says simply as we head down the street to his apartment building. "Woah." He breathes when we're less than a block away.

I follow his gaze and see a beautiful, sleek, modern car parked in front of his building. "Now that's what I call a nice car."

"For real." Peter says as we pause to look it over like many other people are. "You don't see a lot of cars that nice very often."

"One day, after we're working for Tony Stark, we should get ourselves something like that."

"You mean when you work for Mr. Stark, which is inevitable."

"Then what will you be doing?"

"Being Spiderman, hopefully still being your boyfriend or something more, and working somewhere—I just don't know as what yet."

"I'm sure you'll find and be ridiculously good at whatever you choose." I tell him with a grin as we head inside. Peter just shakes his head as we climb in the elevator. "Oh, I forgot to tell you! My parents keep bugging me about when you're going to come over for dinner again. I'm starting to worry that they like you so much you're gonna be stuck with me forever."

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