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Ash's P.O.V

The others moved forward as Lexi, Kyle and I stayed back to battle Demetre. We were standing in front of the stairs in the dim lit hallway, Demetre was about 20 feet away. Kyle eyed him for a long time.

"Is there a problem?" Demetre sighed.

"I'm going to kill you." Kyle bared his fangs and his eyes turned red.

In nearly a split second he was in front of Demetre. He threw a right punch, but Demetre moved to the left far enough to dodge it. Demetre swang a right hook, but Kyle blocked it with his left arm. The two started throwing numerous punches, and kicks to fast for me to see. I head grunts of pain. They wrestled back and fourth for about 5 minutes.

They seperated and I could finally see them clearly. I looked at Kyle, who was covered in blood and was panting. The blood must have been his because when I looked at Demetre he had a single trail of blood coming from his mouth. Demetre put a hand up to his face, and touched the blood,he examined the red substance on his hand. He looked shooked and a little worried. Then he smirked, getting rid of the edge to him.

"For a regular vampire you fight pretty well." He grinned. Kyle spat blood out of his mouth to the side of him. He looked like a cocky teenage boy.

"I'm a Syscotin, so I've had my fair share of practice." Kyle did not change his facial expression at all, it was still straight, his eyes narrowed. He looked so intimidating, that it even scared me.

"Okay 'warrior' " Demetre said in a mocking tone. "I'll make sure to send your family your body, when I'm done with you." Demetre gave a slight nod.

Demetre was about to pounce on Kyle, when Lexi sprung from my side and in front of Kyle, between Kyle and Demetre. She put her hands up, facing Demetre, and started chanting in what seemed to be Witch Latan. Demetre tilted his head to the side, and rolled his eyes irritated. He covered his ears, and then dropped his hands down beside him. Lexi was hurting him. He shaked his head as if shaking off Lexi's magic. He began walking closer to Lexi and Kyle. His eyes turned red, and veins popped out around his eyes. Lexi's eyes grew wider at the sight of him approaching her. She started chanting faster. Demetre stood in front of her, rage filled his face. He must have not liked Lexi's magic trick.

"Seriously. That's annoying." He gave a smug look. His hand flew up to Lexi's neck. He held her there in that position. Kyle ran to attack him but Demetre dogded his attack and gripped Kyle's heart.

Demetre held both of my friends in the deadly positions. Lexi struggled trying to get out but failed. Demetre wasn't tightening his grip, he was just holding her there. The same with Kyle. Feeling like now was the time to do something I started to run to Demetre to attack.

"I wouldn't do that." I stopped as soon as I heard him speak. I was about 4 feet away. "You come any closer and I kill them."

"Even your not that good of a multitasker." I pointed out.

"Wanna bet?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. He started to tighten his grip on the both of them.

"No. Stop!" I sounded alarmed. Pleading I continued to speak. "Just tell me what you? Please don't hurt them."

"Its simple really. I want to see which one you care about more. Old friend? Or Boyfriend?" He chuckled and then grinned. "You're my muse, remember?"

Lilly's P.O.V

The large room looked like it was once a cafteria, but now it was where Mordecai stood with hundreds of vampires. I remembered the plan. Free Mr.McDonald. Then take out everyone and anyone on the first and second floor. Then when we got to the third, search every room until we found bags of a glossy blue substance. The liquids were in a room in the left wing, so I found it. Scar gave us all needle syringes that we stole from the hospital. If we were to find it, we were to fill the syringe with the blue liquid. It was all apart of the plan.

I quickly looked in the duffle bag to see if I still had the key to our success. The syringe was there, and an extra bag just in case. We were going to give Mordecai a test of his own medicine.

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