Chapter ONE

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"Hey you know you don't have to move, right? I'll always be here, Scarlett." My dad had this way of being overprotective towards his daughters but for me it was different, this was only a dream. My father past away when I was 14, leaving me with my many sisters, my one brother, and my mother. Putting this depressing thought aside... today was the day. Today's the day I move out with my best friend Lilly Jay, I prefer to call her L.J. Today is also the day I graduate high school. I got up out of bed in a complete mess, I looked like a troll; red hair and everything. I checked my phone and seen a few text messages from my friends Lexi and L.J. After I replied I headed to the bathroom and got ready which to longer than usual looking like a troll and all. I ran down stairs with a burst of adrenalin, nearly falling down the stairs. Catching my balance at the last minute, I head to my living room where I am greeted by my family. My family was so large that we always had one particular problem "the car crisis" and that's literally what it was, a crisis. Try maxing out the maximum capacity of a van to the point were there is less than half an inch of area in the whole entire vehicle. It felt like we did this every time we went on a trip. I eventually decided to take my own car.

I honestly adore my car, I put so much work into it and it was the one thing I didn't have to share with my nuisance of a sister. It was a 500 horse powered all black Chevy Camaro SS with tinted windows, black BBS rims and a white interior. I got in on the drivers side and just sat there thinking of the perfect day. In my rear view mirror I see a tall dark figure just standing there which made me a little nervous. My phone started to ring scaring the crap out of me, it must be Lilly. I looked down at my phone searching for the name of the caller. It was one of my best guy friends, Carter. Carter and I had a falling out the other day and I had no interest in answering his call so I ignored it. When I looked up into my rear view mirror the dark figure was gone. I turned my head to check again, but still nothing; it was so strange. I started my car and drove to my high school.

I pulled into the school parking lot, it was pretty packed but I managed to find the perfect spot. I pulled up beside a white Honda civic, it was Lilly's car. I looked over into her car and noticed her freakishly staring at me with a creepy smirk on her face. I got out of my car and walked over to Lilly. She was already out of the car when she yelled,

"BABES!  We finally did it, we're here!" L.J was talking so fast that those were the only words I caught. Lilly was a bit eccentric but to others she was a bit weird. Fortunately her fair skin, long flowing brown hair, and big brown eyes helped people get past the weirdness. Lilly embraced me in a tight hug that made it impossible to breathe.

"Let's just get inside and get this over with." I knew that I was being a bit of a downer considering what day it was, but Carter trying to contact me affected my mood severely, in a negative way and there was also that eerie figure.

"Whoa, who pissed in your cereal today??"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Can we go now?"

"Okay but you owe me an explanation"

"Yeah, yeah"

The ceremony was long but when it was finally over I was definitely in a better mood. I began to walk to my car when I see Carter walking towards me.Great, just what I need. I make a complete 360 and start to walk away when he begins to speak. My world freezes, I didn't want to admit it but I actually wanted to hear what he had to say; his voice.

"Scar I'm sorry. Talk to me please." I whip back around and try not to let my emotions get the best of me.

"Don't call me Scar. Only my best friends call me that, and that you are not."

"Can you please tell me what the hell I did so I can fix this.. So I can fix us" he takes a steps towards me and I can feel my emotions hitting me full force. He brushes my arms with his warm soothing hands making me crave his embrace. Carter was a tall, dark and luscious with dark hair, piercing blue eyes, dimples, and an eyebrow piercing. I realized that he was trying to distract me so i took a step back and tried to focus on the conversation.

"Okay, Scarlett" he said my entire name with attitude. "Tell me what I did, please."

"I saw you with her, correction  I saw you kiss her. " I finally replied after what seemed like ages. Carter and I weren't in a relationship but we did have something, at least that's what I thought. As soon as those words came out of my mouth I see the shock and recognition in his eyes. I turn and walk away leaving him no chance to reply; no chance to confirm what I already know. I see Lilly waiting at my car and head over leaving a distraught looking Carter behind. Lily obviously saw the conflict that just occurred so I brace myself to tell her.

"What was that about?" She asked. I tell her everything including the fact that I was mad at Carter for kissing my ex friend Ash.

"Well then, I have just the thing you need. A  distraction!.. Let's go check out the house."

We got into our cars and head to our new home, 12 Brekley road. We got there and just chilled around the house, for me it was more like brooding or maybe moping would be a better word to describe it. There was nothing wrong with the house, I mean it was great. Three stories, which meant plenty of space and egg shell blue wall. I know it sounds weird but I have always wanted egg shell blue walls. The thing that was getting me down was Carter. Then suddenly I get this amazing idea,I would take my mind off of Carter, and celebrate graduation... A party.

"Oh my god. Lilly, let's have a party!" I shout.

"Tonight? Here?" She asks,

"Yeah, let's do it. Why not?"

"Okay... I'll start texting some people?"

"Great and I'll run to the store and grab some munchies."

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