Chapter 8: Explanations

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My father always claimed that I received my warm chocolate brown eyes from my mother.

Except, the woman claiming to be my mother did not have brown eyes.

Instead, her eyes were the color of scarlet, similar to the color of blood.


[Emma Alonso] 

"Hey Em!" Jax's voice shouted behind me. 

"Listen, I'm not feeling well. I think I'll just head home." I gave him a tight-lipped smile. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, concened.

"I just need to think about some things." I responded, hoping he would leave me alone. 

"We can figure things out together." Jax insisted. 

"You can't help me with this, Jax." I managed to grind out of my teeth. 

"Come on, E. I'll answer anything." He gave me a geniune smile. 

"Fine. Did you know that your father banished my mother and caused her to get stuck in limbo?" I asked. 

He averted his gaze to his feet and refused to meet my gaze. The silence was unnerving and that's when I knew his answer. 

"You did, didn't you?" I choked out, with tears starting to blur my vision. 

"Look, E--" He trailed off, kicking at the sand near his feet. 

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked, with tears streaming down my face. 

He didn't respond and that's when I knew he wasn't ever going to tell me that my mother was still alive.

"How could you?" I angrily asked. Before I gave him the chance to respond, I tele-transported back to my house, where everything was less complicated.


Hey guys! I'm sorry that this chapter was horribly written but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting. I'm currently studying for three tests all at once so I'm a bit overwhelmed and can't really think straight.


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