Chapter 29: Downfall

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Chapter Dedication:

[For being a wonderful/amazing reader]

Chapter 29: Downfall

"Stop!" Svetlana cried as the dark blue tendrils engulfed her frame.

"Are you ready to give up?" Jax smirked.

"Never!" She snarled, black smoke erupted from her fingertips and attacked Jax's own magic.

Dark blue and black smoke fought against each other. Like fire and water, their magic attacked one another. Electricity crackled and the lights flickered on and off, controlled by an unfathomable force.

Svetlana was weakened and they both knew it. Svetlana, however, did not want to believe that a teenage boy could beat him at her own game. She was centuries old! A mere teenage boy shouldn't be able to defeat her!

Svetlana gritted her teeth and fought until she could no more. 

Suddenly, Svetlana's magic had disappeared and dark blue smoke had engulfed her frame once again.

Her eyes darted back and forth and in a last attempt to save herself, she cried, "I'll tell you where Emma is!" 

With a twist of his wrist, the dark blue smoke retracted from her quivering form.

"Where is Emma?" Jax inquired, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"She's in the abyss. I casted a spell which sent her into a deep slumber." Svetlana quickly replied, blood seeping from her cuts.

"If you let me live, I'll tell you how you can save her." Svetlana bargained, desperate to save her own life. 

"Deal." He agreed, not a second later.

"The Chosen One cannot be killed. Even if she were to die, her power would continue to pass on from generation to generation. When I casted the spell on the Chosen One, she was put into a deep slumber. There is only one way to save her before the time limit exceeds itself." Svetlana began to explain.

"True Love's kiss." She whispered, a bittersweet smile coated her dark red lips.


There's only one chapter left! :)

I hope this chapter exceeded your expectations! :D

-Lil. <3

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