Chapter 25: Svetlana

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Chapter Dedication: @rockergirl445

[For being one of my loyal readers]

[Third Person Point of View]

Jax walked out of the bathroom with his memories and flaming rage at the Svetlana and the counterpart of Emma. As soon as he reached the kitchen, he witnessed the evil duplicate of Emma mumble a few words under her breath and the members of the Witches' Council turned into frogs; slimy amphibians.

"You didn't listen and now you have to pay the price," She cackled and raised a hand to cast another spell.

Before she could cast another spell to send the council members to oblivion, Jax whispered words under his breath, a dark blue smoke emitted from his hand.

Unaware of the presence behind her, the dark blue smoke attacked Evil Emma and as soon as the smoke disappeared, she was nowhere to be found.

The three council members were left unharmed, all in their amphibian forms.

Jax sighed in relief and whispered words under his breath once again, a dark blue smoke emitted once again from his hand and hit the amphibians. Not a minute later, the frogs transformed back into the Witches' Council.

"Thank you, Mr. Novoa," Aggie exclaimed with sincerity. "You have saved us all!"

"Indeed." Desdemona agreed.

"We wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you." Lily said, a smile gracing her lips.

At their gratitude, Jax nodded his head, accepting their thanks.

"Now that the evil counterpart is eliminated," Aggie stated. "We must focus on the bigger threat; the hybrid witch."

Suddenly, a dark scarlet smoke erupted through the kitchen. The air was filled with electricity and negativity, signaling that a greater force was at work.

"Show yourself!" Aggie growled.

"I see that you have outsmarted the evil duplicate of your sweet Emma," The cloaked figure appeared. "But you will never outsmart me."

"We'll see about that," Desdemona replied.

"Get ready, witches." Svetlana spat, hatred running through her cold veins. "I'm going to send you to oblivion!"


Updated twice in the same day!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Because stuff is going down! :D

I love you guys so much, y'all should know that.

Now, I'm off to get myself some bloody sleep! It's 11 at night where I live. :P

-Lil! :)

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